Did i ever tell you about the fourth vacation?
Hey guys! Did i ever tell you guys about our trip to punta fuego? Boy that was a blast! When we got there, The first thing i did was play billiards. Strange and ironic isn't it? I'm near the shore and the rest was swimming and i was playing billiards? Anyway, I swam maybe at twelve. and played some beach volleyball. It's funny how i don't even know how to play volleyball and im playing some of it. As the day turned into the night, We brought out the booze! I didn't drink that much. maybe i had five glasses of gin and a sip of beer. And after all that, i can still play the freakin guitar! And as we slept at 4:30, we woke up at nine. I ate some vienna sausages that i brought. and packed up and left.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003
As Life Rolls Along....
Has this ever happened to you? You were strolling along somewhere, And out of absolutely nothing. You just think about a certain friend of the opposite sex. and think "Hey! You know what? i think she's the perfect one!". But you suddenly realize and say " She's Taken?". Just to let you know guys that that happened to me once. Im not telling you guys who it was. or when this happened. I just remembered this. and just wanted to write this to tell you guys. Anyway! Life goes on around the village of ayala alabang. I got a perfect score on one of my math test! Isn't that great! And once again santi beat me to my goal. He bought a Pair of jordan 8's! sure thats nice, but even if the whole batch bought it. I would still buy it. coz it has a lot of sentimental value to me.I'd rather tell you the story another time. And also, I just want to let you know that my site is almost over! The site is called sex.arehere.net and it almost finished. maybe by friday it would be done! And lastly,if you have the time. Could you download Lithium by nirvana? It's such a great song! Thanks.
Has this ever happened to you? You were strolling along somewhere, And out of absolutely nothing. You just think about a certain friend of the opposite sex. and think "Hey! You know what? i think she's the perfect one!". But you suddenly realize and say " She's Taken?". Just to let you know guys that that happened to me once. Im not telling you guys who it was. or when this happened. I just remembered this. and just wanted to write this to tell you guys. Anyway! Life goes on around the village of ayala alabang. I got a perfect score on one of my math test! Isn't that great! And once again santi beat me to my goal. He bought a Pair of jordan 8's! sure thats nice, but even if the whole batch bought it. I would still buy it. coz it has a lot of sentimental value to me.I'd rather tell you the story another time. And also, I just want to let you know that my site is almost over! The site is called sex.arehere.net and it almost finished. maybe by friday it would be done! And lastly,if you have the time. Could you download Lithium by nirvana? It's such a great song! Thanks.