Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In defense of men everywhere: Chivalry's dead, Women killed it.

Allow me to speak my mind here. Im gonna speak out of experience, go out on a limb and take one for the team. There's this one burning question in every guy's mind and I don't know if you (the reader.. who I assume is male)have thought of this at one point. And trust me, if you're a guy like me, you probably have. okay here goes:

Q: Why is it that when guys screw up one time, everything else they did prior to that one screw up becomes obsolete?

It may be as mundane as saying something that shouldn't have been said to the girl you're going out with or as grave as actually cheating on your girlfriend. Whatever the case, if you can find me a woman who's bold enough to have an answer to this question, lead her to me.

I dont find it fair that the male gender has been labelled as a less trustworthy sex. Where as with women, they are automatically forgiven accordingly. I don't think I'll have a problem defending this statement with guys since I know all of us guys have been guilty of this one time or another in our lives.

In our defense, I think it was Hitch who summed it up for us when he said:

"We're guys! When do we get anything right the first time?!"

I always used to make it a point to say to the women who come up to me asking for advice that men are naturally insensitive. I personally think its already a given. Something off topic here.. There are nearly 7,200,000 men and 6,000,000 women now living with heart disease. Now given the statistics, why do you think more men get heart attacks than women? It's because we men don't know what to do with emotion! Most of us keep it bottled up; some of us open a bottle up.. to drink. The travesty I find in it is the fact that womankind still hasn't found enough understanding for mankind's short-comings. Its a shame that's how the universe works.
