Sunday, November 27, 2005

*Targets on our heads

I'd like to thank all of our friends who supported Bulusan (not to be confused with the "old" bulusan. more on that later) in this year's battle of the bands. I gotta tell you in my honest opinion, my playing sucked back there. I really thought I wasn't up to par with what the others were doing back on stage last thursday. What really happened was, I got up to speed on the first song and halfway through the song my string snapped. I franticly rushed backstage to borrow a replacement, I got a Washburn from I really dont remember who. It played great but it wasn't in tune though. I was really disappointed at our set. At one point, I even saw Luigi shaking his head at the sloppy guitar playing. To make things worse, my amplifier (A Peavey transtube) was already at maximum volume but even a needle falling from it's cabinet would make more sound than what it was actually juicing out. Finally it turns out that it had two master volumes on it. (Heartley Peavey, what in the hell were you thinking?!) Finally the time has come for the last song, we've often played this song but this time it would all count. I pushed out all that I could get from the out of tuned Washburn and the weak ass Peavey. I even did that Michael Angelo Batio hand thing with the neck.(inside joke) I even tried to talk through the pickups. I was shouting "Go Neil!" over the pickups just to get the crowd going. It seemed to have worked, *our bassist was approached by one of the judges (Mark Abaya) and complimented our playing style. but what had me at the edge was, who won? I really was just happy even having a place at the contest. It was truly overwhelming, but not as much as what would happen the following day.

I woke up at around six-thirty in the morning, I really just do this to watch "Breakfast supersize" in the morning.(I really think the girls are hot.) After having some breakfast(The TV and food variety) I went upstairs to play some "Gran Turismo". The sad part about this is I completely lost track of time and before I knew it was four-thirty in the afternoon. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was *our bassist calling to ask me where I am and that we're supposed to play at around 5:30. I grabbed everything I could from the stomp boxes to the guitar in roughly 15 seconds. I came in through the backstage doors and the atmosphere was really chilling. For some reason, performing at the CPA always gave me chills. I was more nervous to play there than when it was the finals. I laid my guitar on the stack of guitars and sat down up front to watch the show. The show was hosted by (kuya)Sanjay Chandumal and Patty Laurel.(Breakfast supersize!) The suspense was really killing me but before anything else, we had to open for Typecast. I went backstage, strapped on everything I could and just ripped it. I was told that some seniors had walked-out on us...Like I give a sh*t. I didn't even know they were watching. I got the same amplifier from yesterday but this time it would be different. I boosted both knobs and told the tech to boost it through the swithchboard as well. Then I was set to really push the guitar to it's limits. My jack kept on falling cause I kept moving, but it was all good. After the performance, we went back to our seats to watch the rest of the awarding unfold. What really was exciting was the fact that the battle of the bands awarding was way at the end of the show. So I patiently waited and finally it arrived...the moment of truth. The first band they awarded was for "Whiskers" (Wito's band). My heart started racing even more because now I knew for sure that we got Top 2. And then when I heard them say "Sweet spot" first, I jumped to the stage in complete joy and then recieved our prizes. Really, it wasn't all the awarding that made my night so great. I must've been high on something when I asked Patty Laurel to kiss me in the cheek in front of all those people...I got it anyway! Still high on something, I was sprinting around backstage exclaiming "Kompleto na buhay ko"... Truly a night to remember.

Following that night, I read something today that ticked me off. You see, in this country there always has to be a sourgrape to f*ck things up. Like this for example:
I read this locked LJ post from *some girl earlier today. She kept ranting on about how much of an asshole *our vocalist is. She was also insisting that we should bring back the "old" Bulusan. The "old" bulusan really was the brainchild of one of my good friends JM De las llagas. Originally Bulusan was: Justin and Jose Pleno, Neil Sayoc and JM De las llagas. Due to some circumstances, JM left the band in suprising fashion and left me to fill in the spot he resigned from. We also aquired the help of our Current *Vocalist so that we could play more versatile songs. Immediately after our victory at the battle of the band competition, *this particular girl circulated a YM conversation involving her and our vocalist. If you really read the script you'd think he was a complete asshole...Even I did. If you have read the script and you have passed judgement towards our vocalist, Understand that you are only reading half of the story. Our Vocalist's true nature really isn't like anything you've read in that now infamous conversation. It was meant to be a joke taken seriously by none other than that said girl. I can admit that he may sometimes act like a complete ass, but our vocalist doesn't mean even half of what he MAY have said to you. Then I see all these comments about how sucky we've become and that we bring back JM and sh*t like that. Just to set the record f*ckin' straight, JM left on his own accord. None of us had any control over his decision. Why should I leave the band? All I've ever done was make JM's seat warm. I never say sh*t to anybody who doesn't deserve it cause I know how it feels to be dissed the same way these people dissed me today. If JM were to come back today, I would love it. And then I also hear somebody say that our vocalist said that "JM is not a loss to Bulusan." What kind of bullshit is that?! People who made this comment should go work for a tabloid cause this is the biggest piece of sh*t I have ever read in my life. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, If you don't like us, dont listen. Then, you'd at least have the decency in you to look more of a respectable person than you are right now. But still man...f*ck you.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

A tragic loss

I was shocked to hear the news early last monday about the news of Eddie Guerrero's passing. I quickly checked the pages to see if the news was true. I'll tell you, I not a really big fan of Eddie, but to hear someone like him pass away is really unbelievable. Even my classmates that morning couldn't believe it. The report showed Eddie had a heart failure due to alcohol and drugs in the past. I guess sometimes they just catch up to you. He was a great wrestler in my view and I will truly miss his antics in the ring. I just wonder, how God would react if he saw a low-rider parked in the gates of heaven?


Shiver 2

Here's a shot from last halloween's "Shiver 2" gig. I wasn't able to play last year since we (Me and Luigi) haven't started performing back then. The gig was nice, we got a lot of exposure. I also got to use the Wolfie that night. (which *our drummer scratched extensively that afternoon) We played four songs in total namely, "Big machine", "Banyo song", "Leaping wizards" and "Infinite voyage". I was wearing PJ's that gig but changed my pants and kept the shirt. It was comfy. Everything seemed to fall into place that night. Sadly, One of our *guitarists quit the band shorty after the gig. I do hope he comes back though. I also like to thank Ysa for the picture. It's fuzzy, but great!


Don't even get me fired up*

I gotta hand it to my competetive drive, it just drives me crazy how I suppress my thoughts. Anyway, I was stranded in school with a *special package at hand and I knew this is too hot to be seen in school.(This isn't porn) I hitched a ride with my *friend which is kind of funny since he lives so far north and he's bringing me southwards but I appreciate it. During the trip to my house, He mentioned something about stealing stuff. I claimed some of my accomplishments, and so did he. I really don't know we ever got to the topic, but we wound up talking about drug use. In the discussion he asked me "dude, so you don't take drugs, right?" naturally, I said "yeah, I dont". Then, he asked me again "So why DON'T you take drugs?". I exclaimed "Cause I don't think it's worth it". Then he said "It's not worth it, you REALLY don't take drugs". From then on, I really got fired up. My brain kept searching for quips just to silence this drugged up fool. Sadly, we got to our house sooner than I thought. And you know, the fire is still burning inside of me. I dont mean to get all philosophized or anything, but for the hell of it, heres my side: "Okay, you're last statement subtly implied that taking drugs was worth it. I'd like to ask why? Why is it worth paying a bundle of money just to get high? Why is it f*ckin' worth it to risk my future for your wonder pill?! Why is it so f*ckin' worth it to risk losing a year of my life to rehab?! Is sobreity not worth it anymore?! So again, I'd ask you why? why are you trying to distort my views on life?! why are you selling the idea of drug use? are you a dealer? Why is it so worth trying when most of them are trying to kick the habit? why are you alienating my ideas?"
