Do you like it? I had to change it to make it look better. I believe it easier to read when it's much pleasant. Enjoy!

Monday, February 16, 2004
Do you like it? I had to change it to make it look better. I believe it easier to read when it's much pleasant. Enjoy!
The day was february 13. She had just turned me down for a date the following day. Yes, it was painful. I went to bed at around 12 in the evening after watching some tv, brushing my teeth,washing my face and taking a dump. I felt that I needed some rest because of all of the sudden turn off events that just happened. It was like a whirlwind of events ravaging through my head. Plus, I went to my friend's mother's wake. Yes, it was sad. I barely knew her though... My head felt like it was going to fall off the side of my head. So I laid to rest calling it a day and anticipating the day ahead. My dream started off in a funeral parlor... with a black casket....really creepy. I was on my feet and in tears as if someone that I really cared for had just passed away. Little did I know the surprise that was about to come towards me. I moved myself nearer so that i can see through looking glass. And I was completely shocked to see that SHE was on the black casket. (look guys, I really ain't sh*tting you this time.. im serious) I stood up from where I was and was really into a deep thought. Like I just saw a ghost. I quickly turned to my left and saw her mother standing there. I walked over there to talk to her. As I walked towards her, The backdrop warped and melted like ice cream on a summer day. Guess what it melted to... my house (take note, The casket and wreath things are still there.)It never really make sense. Even her mom never made sense. The conversation kinda went like: "I think I should've chose the white one instead"... "white what?" I said... then appeared another casket. only it was empty...and white. What do you think of my dream now?! freaky right?! really f*cking freaky!

Barkley was a good dog. Even though he did try to bite off my finger once. He was a fun dog all the way. Always the energetic one amongst all of the dogs. The incident happened sometime last week after vomiting and choking to his death. We really don't know how he died, but he did end his life complete. Giving birth to at least twelve pups and giving birth to three generations.He died at the age of 65 dog years (if you're wondering what the f*ck are dog years, It's 1 human year = 7 dog years). The rest of his family died before him. it must've been 3 or 4 years ago since the death of one of his brothers. His family must be happy now, they are finally complete. No more waiting.....

I was surfing on my phone via WAP awhile ago, to find out who won the all-star game held earlier today (which by the way, is tonight for them.) and I was happy to hear the west all-stars had won the bout. I also heared that kobe botched an opportunity to strut his stuff in the court and got booed by the L.A. crowd. Cool! I mean, this I gotta see! I can't believe his home court booing him during a game. though I believe the booing could've been a little lighthearted. anyway, More good news as shaq was crowned the MVP of the all-star game. I haven't watched the game yet, but I have a feeling it's going to be a great game. The final score was 136-132. Close enough. the ending was a little anti-climactic because it was won due to a free throw. still...West wins it!