Friday, March 12, 2004

The Picture Above is Mick Foley. A.K.A Mankind, A.K.A Dude Love, A.K.A Cactus Jack. Enough about mankind and dude, This entry is about Cactus Jack and Triple H's Streetfight at madison square garden at royal rumble 2000. The day was March 10 in the year of the lord 2004. I just got home. After a really tiring day at school. I checked the mail. I happened to stumble across a mail delivery for me. OH JOY! It's royal rumble 2000! I've been waiting nearly a month for it! And it's free. (If you're wondering why it's free, i'd rather talk about it some other time) I didn't immediately watch it though. I went straight to the park for some basketball. Well Enough about basketball! Were talking wrestling Here! Anyway, That night, after I had missed this week's RAW, I decided to watch it. Just to Quench my thirst for wrestling on wednesdays. Although I never watched the royal rumble match. I did finish the streetfight! It was awesome! Very brutal indeed. Triple H's knee was cut by a wooden palette (you know, the sh*t forklifts carry!) and has exclusive footage of his knee being stitched! gross?well...I just thought I might share this with you...cause it was awesome sh*t!
I'm right in the middle of formulating a really big thing. It's called the "The Wowie Finder". It's my very own search engine. Im still working on the web host. I haven't found a decent web host that allows CGI for free. SON OF A B*TCH! anyway, It's gonna be big. Be sure to check it out once I release it!
As I walk through the valley of the shade of green, I really thought to myself: "I aint going to remedial today..". As I walked past the door, and into the open I was, Nothing really caught my eye. I walked into the curb near the gate, and saw my friend with HER. I sat down for a brief moment to recollect...."What's my approach?" I said to myself. As made my approach, it was apparent that I had no excuse for being there. Or Going there altogether. In my head, thinking...."Oi dude, Remedial Ka?" I said reluctantly. He gladly said yes.. I've been surveying the area when I sat down, And found that the sweet-looking smile, turned into a face that's colder than a mother-in-law's kiss. I found that she was in a stare and listening into some piece of contraption. I think that sh*t was an MD player or some sh*t like that. I turned to my friend to talk. When Sh*t finally began to fall apart for me. Business was about to pick up...and you know why. Now I turned to talk to her. But I swear,The Lines were sure f*cking colder than the face! She was reading a survey form, and really dont know what that dude put in that survey form. But she really had a really wild reaction toward that form. dont ask me, I dont wanna know what's in it. After she had left, It felt bad. I felt like I broke my mom's favorite vase. Right at that moment, My friend confronted me and said "chong, bat ang rude naman niya sayo?". There was no sh*tting there! She was rude! And there came a time that I finally realized that nothing was happening and that there was no urge to continue. And the place was gate 2. And the time was then! So right then and there, I gave up. It's not like me, but I did. And I must admit, The pain felt good inside....hehehehe. That day was devastating, but nonetheless very eye-opening. I never did understand remedial that day. Oh yeah, The dude in the survey form.....was ME.