I can't believe my adviser moved me to the front! That son of a- nah! it's not worth it. he's too faggotty anyway...You know, That would probably be the closest i'd ever be with HER. She was my seatmate for a month in a half...or some sh*t like that. But Its kind of a drag sitting next to her. it's useless being seatmates with her. I can't F*CKING win with her man! what's wrong?! what the hell makes her feel so uncomfortable?! That question has been floating around my head for some time now coz you see...i've often wondered what makes her tick.I was kinda hoping it was a really good reason and i'd probably reassure her that I would do anything (and I mean ANYTHING!) to fix that problem. And I DO hope it isn't something superficial. Hollow girls make me sick. These types of girls who don't look for substance. Their just in it for good looks. Well F*ck those bitches! they won't get anything from me. It would be silly of me to ever fall in love for one of those skanky whores! A message to her: PLEASE DON'T BE HOLLOW.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I can't believe my adviser moved me to the front! That son of a- nah! it's not worth it. he's too faggotty anyway...You know, That would probably be the closest i'd ever be with HER. She was my seatmate for a month in a half...or some sh*t like that. But Its kind of a drag sitting next to her. it's useless being seatmates with her. I can't F*CKING win with her man! what's wrong?! what the hell makes her feel so uncomfortable?! That question has been floating around my head for some time now coz you see...i've often wondered what makes her tick.I was kinda hoping it was a really good reason and i'd probably reassure her that I would do anything (and I mean ANYTHING!) to fix that problem. And I DO hope it isn't something superficial. Hollow girls make me sick. These types of girls who don't look for substance. Their just in it for good looks. Well F*ck those bitches! they won't get anything from me. It would be silly of me to ever fall in love for one of those skanky whores! A message to her: PLEASE DON'T BE HOLLOW.

Dammit! Did she break her nose for real? Im watching the replayed telecast as I write this down.I missed the part where she got hit in the nose but she must've fallen hard. But they won! they move on to the conference finals. But would Sue be there? it wouldn't be awesome if she weren't.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Yeah! Le bron never got gold! Awesome! For the rest of the team, Better luck next time. What a disappointment! It must be really painful for the NBA to see basketball's elite time (or so they say..) lose like they did a week ago. I wouldn't say they WERE the elite team. First off they had LE BRON! (opinion..) No. but in all seriousness, Some of the NBA's finest never did show up to athens. Like Shaq, KG, kobe, VC and all the others I forgot to mention. Wouldn't it be an honor to represent your country? Some of them don't even have a legit excuse of not joining. Take Shaq for example. He says that the reason for him not being in the olympics was because he wanted to give others the chance. The question there was WHO?! Who was he talking about? Wang Zhu Zhu? If you ask me, i'd say Shaq didn't join because of financial reasons. Extra games like that in the olympics, would mean more risks of injury. Injuries not only cost days and months, but money as well. A smart team would not throw money at you just to sit 48 minutes with a suit and cast on their benches (like that of Grant Hill...) and so because of this, Shaq feels that it's not worth playing anymore. (Maybe...) To all the Players of the USA team (except Lebron) Good luck at '08!
I dont think I need to explain anything anymore. It's Over. That's all and that's REAL. It's painful but necessary. it's like a booster shot when you know that it's gonna hurt a lot and you'd wish you'd get a suppository instead...on second thought I take that back (EWWW....)but you know that the booster is sort of a once in a lifetime thing and that you would be bothered by the thought of getting a virus or getting pricked in the ASS. I remember telling her to break it to me gently on a letter I gave to her. I'll be honest, She did a pretty bad job doing it. I obviously got crushed. She wouldn't know that would she? Knowing that she's my seatmate and sh*t I knew that something would definitely change between the two of us had I shown some emotion that night. I just took it straight on. Hell, I took the walk of shame that night. I never thought how devastating it would be. Her face was still emotionless. Probably because she was sick that day. As much as I try to forget, I remain to be scarred. Damn,Life's a bitch!