A couple of months back, We went to the U.S. to go sight seeing. That would be my fourth visit in that country. We went everywhere. moving from one place to the other. So one time, we wound up in New York city. That place was the sh*t! There's no place like it. It was nearing midnight and my brothers and my sister decided to roam around times square. I decided to stay at the hotel since my ankles were about to burst from all the walking I had done earlier. So I turned on the boob tube and lucky me, "I love the 80's" was on, on MTV. That particular episode was 1989. And it was awesome. I found some sh*t I wouldn't have known about my birth year. And then there was this one featured commercial that sparked my interest. It was for York Peppermint Patties. You know, The one that's covered in chocolate and has mint inside. Kinda like The Dynamite candy they sell here...Only Reversed. I saw the commercial and there were some celebrities that commented on the commercial and it was funny. It was really memorable. Some months after, Im already back here in Manila. I think it was somewhere in august, I decided to collect commercials from the 80's. I got a lot of clips from various websites. And guess what I found. I found that very same commercial on a website! And to my amazement, It was a real clear copy. I'll let you be the judge of the commercial.
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