You know me, luigi and some of my friends have been forming a band named "Sanchez" and as of right now nothing really seems to be happening yet. For all I know nothing really seems to be progressing except for the fact that we're only missing a drummer. But we were put to the test earlier today when me and luigi were called upstairs to play the "Clean" version of "My very first sodomy" a song which was been done once before last november by "Pektus". Everything was set except of course THE set! It was horrible. The sound was painful and luigi's Freestyle wasn't much heard and we wound up playing "Ang huling El Bimbo". Embarassing?! You're Motherf*ckin' right it was! For me and for Luigi.

Monday, January 31, 2005
You know me, luigi and some of my friends have been forming a band named "Sanchez" and as of right now nothing really seems to be happening yet. For all I know nothing really seems to be progressing except for the fact that we're only missing a drummer. But we were put to the test earlier today when me and luigi were called upstairs to play the "Clean" version of "My very first sodomy" a song which was been done once before last november by "Pektus". Everything was set except of course THE set! It was horrible. The sound was painful and luigi's Freestyle wasn't much heard and we wound up playing "Ang huling El Bimbo". Embarassing?! You're Motherf*ckin' right it was! For me and for Luigi.
I went to a friend's wedding last sunday and i've got to say that he had a really starstudded line-up of priests at the altar! Too many to mention. Some notables were Fr. Jojo, Fr. Gigi and of course Monsi! It was held at the lower level of the church and the reception was at the multi-purpose hall B (note that a common misconception of people that there's only one multi-purpose hall when there's actually two) The food was OK but I didn't stick around much longer. And now some pictures.

The Wedding cake at Dante's wedding..I'd write the bride's name but I forgot!

The bride's Entourage...Again with the bride's name!

A candle at our table...
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Shouts of "ninong na ako! ninong na ako!" echoed in the go residence last sunday as my nephew Sancho was baptized at St. James the great. It was great indeed because it also marked my brother's twenty second year in this world. A party was held at narra park where we would eat a hearty meal and enjoy the company of friends and family members. There isn't much to say, but welcome to the christian family Sancho!
I recently had an argument with my sister about her frickin' migraine headache. And i'd have to tell you, no headache compares to what i've been through over the years. I mean for a person who endured nearly 24 hours with a burst appendix, Typhoid fever for three agonizing weeks, A severed right toenail, 3-inch gashes on both my knees, A scalded right arm, Peeing blood for nearly a month, Acute bronchitis for nearly week and has been heartbroken four motherf*ckin' times in a row that's got to be a walk in the park. You would think i'd be battered physically and emotionally. Nah! If there's anything i've learned is to pick yourself off the gutter you fat slob! Which reminds me, the school also announced our field trip at the hospital I was confined in. Great memories I suppose...
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Last tuesday, my dad came back from roughly about a week in the U.S. And I'd have to say that I was pretty excited to see what he got for us back here. We got there really early. And I mean REALLY early. It turns out, the flight was scheduled to arrive at 10pm manila time. But what my dad (or at least according to my mom) said was that it was at 7pm. So we went to the airport at 7 and arrive at about a quarter to 8 hoping that my dad had reached immigration and all that mumbo-jumbo you do at the airport. But what my mom and I saw was really wierd. It was an empty terminal. Intrigued, we checked the monitor only to find out that none of the flights scheduled to land that night have landed yet and to top it all off, we had learned through the airport security that my dad's flight would be DELAYED. You gotta be sh*ttin' me! was all that I could say to myself. So what we'd figured to do was to go to makati to eat for at least an hour and then go back to the airport arrival area. Problem was, the plane was now landing at 11pm and we came back from glorietta fifteen minutes early. So now it's 9:30 on my story and I still have an hour and 30 minutes to burn. The wait was excruciating! My stomach started to growl (probably from all the pizza I ate) and to make matters worse some kid's dancing in front of me doing the "otcho-otcho". Sh*t! now im stuck with a stomach ache and a kid doing a really tacky dance. Finally the moment arrived. My dad's flight finally arrived and some rest can finally be accomplished. 7pm Japan time was the flight's original departure from narita explained my dad. Damn! what a night!
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Is this what they're showing to the youth today? At a rate like this, some kid out there is going to wind up as a scriptwriter for porn. If you have no idea what I am talking about, just watch art attack's big art attack segment and you'll see what I mean. Didn't it ever occur to you that neil buchanan's big art attack segment feels like it came out of some porn movie? I mean yeah, it starts out in a park or in an ice rink where he's innocently fooling around. And then suddenly, He trips and falls to the ground and just when gets up he gets a sudden urge to have a big art attack. Isn't it just creepy?!

A couple of days ago the WWE was in puerto rico for their pay-per-view called "new year's revolution" It was supposed to be an extravaganza being held in a country the WWE hadn't been in since the early 80's. The event was topped off by one of the biggest marquee matches in the WWE arsenal,"The elimination chamber". The event was to include Triple H, Edge, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Batista and Randy Orton. That must be some hell of a match. Or so that's what I thought. The previous holder of the belt was Triple H (which was "won" after Orton's one month reign) And by the end of the match guess who the writers wanted to win...Yup, Triple H. The WWE writers must be running out of material cause to tell you the truth im getting tired of him. It's kinda like watching a filipino soap opera where everything is so predictable. I guess im stuck with ann option, Watch wrestling or watch "Hiram" on Channel 2. Either way, I know what's going to happen.
For those of you wondering why im sick, it's because I have acute bronchitis. It's a little less devastating than pneumonia. But I still feel like sh*t. I have to deal with this fever even as I speak. And not to mention all the tissue rolls i've wasted the past three days. Although im feeling pretty well compared to yesterday, the doctor says I still need to take my antibiotics for the next week. So I wont have a clean bill of health this week. So you guys take care...Cause I didn't.
Friday, January 07, 2005

I've been learning how to finger tap lately and believe me it's no walk in the park. I mean you really need to be fast to switch strings and sh*t. Above, is the picture of Eddie Van halen. He's the sh*t when it comes to finger tapping! People have always asked me: "Hendix or Clapton"..I wind up saying "Van halen!" And what's more, is that he makes his own guitar out of parts! which is also THE sh*t! I don't know about you but when it comes to ultimate guitar, Eddie Van halen is the ultimate!

Yeah! I got a 62 last sunday! Now that might not sound very good but that's the best i've done so far. My swing was good but my aiming really shot me down. I lost three golf balls on opposed to the average six. I figured I wasn't myself last sunday. But in all seriousness. They've often said that the way you play depends alot on how you look. And those set of "Ping eye 2" golf clubs, I believe made a big difference in terms of my confidence. Hail to the "Ping Eye"!
Stupid motherf*ckers. I hate being pushed around especially by people that I know I can beat the motherf*cking sh*t out off. Take these dorks for example, We happen to have this play in english. And to tell you the truth, my role sucked like hell. I was supposed to be this Drag queen called "Fei-Goom" (For all I care it's supposed to be a representation of our faggotty school principal) I honestly don't think practicing in public is something i'd expect. But most of the time they would force to act like a fag in front of the class. So I thought of an idea. What if I just practice on my own and when time comes then i'd perform. Good idea?! well these motherf*ckers didn't think so. You see, I tried to understand my role. I really did. But these three pricks had to give away just when I was getting my groove. And to top it all off, some b*tch tries to piss me off by trying to shout at me during practice! Now im not implying this statemnt to anybody. If you think you were the one im talking about, then F*ck you! I dont give a sh*t. It's that simple. IF ANY OF YOU MOTHERF*CKERS TRY TO SHOUT AT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, I WILL SEND YOUR PLAY DOWN TO HELL ALONG WITH YOUR STUPID SCRIPT.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Introducing the newest model pumps available to the market today. These pair of sneakers are dubbed "the pump 2.0" The newest addition to the reebok fleet. Now you probably know the reebok pumps from John Cena if you're a wrestling fan ( and probably not dating much..) or if you grew up with these cool duds. Now these pumps are alot different from the pump you see from the early nineties or from John Cena if you're an avid wrestling fan ( and probably not dating much.. ) Instead, these shoes are self inflating and are made to inflate to the shape of your foot. Once you wear it, Just walk a couple of steps and it's as tight as a glove. And when you're done, Just press the release valve at the back and take it off. Reebok is about to release a basketball variant of these new age pumps. Along with some Oldies but goodies. I happen to own a pair of the old reebok pumps and I have to say that with the pair of pumps I have today I don't know what else they could do with it in terms of comfort. It's the sh*t!
SH*T!!!!!! It's over! I can't belive it's over! Stupid La salle system...Oh well, It's a start of a new year today. I hope things are better than last year. It was the sh*t last night with all the fireworks and sh*t. Our heavy artillery last night was great. It was hell of a lot longer than what we had the past years. Now what I want to know is who the f*ck made the ruling that we go back to our f*cking classrooms at the third?! And I know that yes, there were some schools who were later dismissed for their christmas break compared to us. But for pete's sake why would you want to resume classes at a really close margin? I suppose some of us are still hungover by then. Well...It was fun while it lasted. Motherf*ckers....