Would you consider THIS a flop?!
I gotta hand it to the school, They got some wierd taste for fieldtrips. First of all, why'd you have to bring us to a restaurant?! And take us to another restaurant to eat?! What the f*ck?! Why not let us eat at the restaurant you showed us how to make food in? Then we'd at least know what were eating. Doy!! And I might not be speaking for myself ('coz I like TV production) but at least for the class when I say what the hell is up with showing us LITERALLY empty sets of TV programs?! Is it to show us the crap they leave behind their sets everytime they dismantle it?! They could've at least shown us tapings of shows on good seats. But anyway everything levels out. Now some pictures:

Mr. Richard Lasap showing us to the food...No meat! Ash Wednesday!

The picture's blurry but the message is pretty clear: Another empty set

Here we see the final minutes of Wowowee, A textbook example of why we need seats.
A Haven

Had a chance to escape from civilization a couple of weeks ago. We went for a trip to Mt. Arayat with some of my parents' friends (and families). Except for one person who besides the fact that he ditched me the week before, He ditched me again hundreds of kilometers away from home. Isn't that right Dex?! Anyway, it was the sh*t! We went into a hacienda with lots and lots of lounge chairs and sofas. That son of a b*tch house was so cozy it looked like it came out of some porn movie. But I have to tell you, I had a ball in that f*ckin' house! It was just one of those days where you could just lie down and take a nap or some sh*t like that. I felt better after we went there. I felt as though I was unwinded. Which brings me back to good ol' civilization. That b*tch! Coming out of NLEX (north luzon expressway)from a huge traffic congestion on that f*ckin' old toll booth , We noticed we were behind schedule and we realized that we wouldn't be able to make the mass at St. James the great parish. So instead, we went to the church in magallanes. At first, I was wondering to myself "why the hell is there a bazaar inside the church?" so with this thought crossing my mind I immediately thought "Hey, theres a bazaar in the church which means no more mass. That takes care of that." Little did I know that what I was just seeing was the remains of THE church. I took a closer look at the church and noticed that the roof was gone. Literally! I felt a deep feeling in my chest as I see the church burnt to a crisp and people scrambling to rebuild. I quickly blurted to my brother "You know, If I were Bill Gates, I'd fund for this church in full!" . I felt sad to see the house of God in such a bad condition. I went to a Haven that day and went to mass at a burned down church people still call their haven. Spiritually or otherwise.