All in one night*
That was probably the worst gig I've ever played in. I've yet to see another gig organizer with such classless taste in music. Anyway, we were scheduled to play fifth in the line-up but some band got cold-feet and backed out several minutes before the gig. Then the promoter comes up to us and says we have to play or were out of his gig. What the f*ck is wrong with him man?! I aint never playing first and will never play first again. I spent at least four hours of preparations on the wow-a-caster before going to his stupid gig. And for what? NOTHING! It's such an insult to my band and an insult to myself as a guitarist. Why do you go off putting us up in the start? Is it because you think our f*ckin' band suck?! We never had a choice and it just got me pissed off the whole night. And to promoters out there who's putting us on a gig, Don't ever under-estimate Sanchez's abilities! We can do things you wouldn't even think of doing in front of a live audience! We just want to perform and to entertain people. But so far, nobody would let us. I spent the rest of the night at Mcdonalds trying to come up with a new promotional gimick:
The limited-edition McDonald's Pitik cup

Dedicated to Pitik's ever-growing popularity and to McDonald's' ever growing Capitalism. It actually started out as I was doodling on the cup and then remembered my sister making Pitik caps a couple of months ago. So I thought to myself: "Hey, I wonder if McDonald's will ever sponsor Pitik"
that was the inspiration for this prototype. Hey! It's possible!
The b*tch-ass spurs win the finals

Damn man! I really had my sights set on a back-to-back championship for Detroit. I even had money down that they'd win this time. I really don't know why but for some apparent reason, I hate Tim Duncan. I know that he's good at what he's doing, but I really find him boring and tasteless. The Pistons really blew it this time. Are these The Pistons that nearly swept The Lakers last year? I think they've gone soft! anyway, we can only hope that next season be as thrilling as this! Congratulations Spurs. You lucky bastards!
I miss this
"Pilipinas, Game K N B?" April 25 2005
Damn man! I gotta say, I went all out on this blog entry! This is probably what I would be watching if it was still summer. If you decide to watch along the video, I guarantee that you would not miss a beat since I've put an awful lot of time preparing this episode and cramping it so that you could watch it and not crash your computer. I've been recording these on tape for this summer. It was part of my "You can tell im bored" blog entry last month. And to tell you the truth, thats just a fourth of what I'd normally watch in one sitting. There would be the show before that called "Ruby", then came that and finally the two hour game show many would call "Wowowee". I'd especially like to watch "Wowowee" due to the fact that they got Iya (Villania) on the show! Hell, she's is a show on her own dammit! She's the real shiznit man! My friend and I would always get into a real pathetic arguement on who was prettier: Kat (Alano) or Iya (Villania). Damn man! those days were fun. Pathetic, but nonetheless fun. It just sucks knowing that you can't afford wasting you're day knowing that tomorrow would mean more work. Anyway, in the words of David Lee Roth: "You've got to roll with the punches to get to what's real". Peace out!
The S-B blues
Everybody seems to wanna get back together with our old section! You know I think it's probably because of the fact that we were all hoping we'd see each other again the following year on the same f*ckin' classroom. We'll thanks to the erratic moves made by the f*ckin' knuckleheads up there at the admin of zobel, it left a bad taste hanging in our mouths. With all due respect to my new found classmates and adviser, I really don't blame the people for wanting to get back together as a unit. My classmates this year are also a feisty bunch! They're awesome! don't get me wrong. But there's something about last year's class that had really good chemistry. It seemed to have something that worked. And all of us were anticipating to be the "music section". Anyway, we can't do anything about that any more. Let's all move on and thank the f*ckin' knuckleheads at the admin for treating us like the guinea pig batch of zobel! thanks a lot!
A blast from the past
Hey! I just happen to conjure up an old meme on blogthings and made me stop to wonder "Is ICQ dead?". Cause way back then when there were no YM's or MSN's there was this messaging system called ICQ (Don't f*ckin' ask what it stands for)It was similar to YM only it had a distinct "uh-oh" sound when you recieve messages. I remember this very vivdly due to the fact that my brothers and sister were avid users of this pioneering software back when it was still alive 'n kickin'. Anyway, I don't think any of us here in the philippines (or at least the people I know) are obsessed with ICQ anymore. We've all moved on to our YM's and MSN's whatever you're using. But nonetheless you know you're addicted to ICQ when...
You Know You're Addicted to ICQ When... |
You see psychedelic flowers when you closeyour eyes to go to sleep.
Before you have a conversation with someone, you kindly ask them if they'd like to accept a chat.
You consider sleeping your "N/A" mode.
You hear little voices in your head constantly saying "uh-oh".
You have over 500 buddies on your contact list.
You've had long conversations with all 500 of those buddies.
You begin to think names like "Tom" and "Jane" are strange, but names
like "Snakeman" and "Tigger" are common.
Your friend introduces you to a new person,and you immediately ask them if you can
add them to your "contact list".
Since downloading ICQ, you've learned to speak 7 new languages, including Ukranian
and the dialect of a small native community in Peru.
To you, ICQ isn't just a program, it's a "gift to mankind".
Your idea of a "wild time" is inviting all of your online friends into one giant
The last time you signed off ICQ was during the Clinton administration.
Every time a new version or update of ICQ is released, you have your own celebration party, complete with cake, party favors, and champagne.
Your dog leaves you due to lack of attention, despite your efforts to appease him by giving him his own ICQ number.
Your one pride in life has become your immense contact list, and you ask all your friends to send over their contacts to make it even bigger.
You have carefully allotted your time during work/school lunch breaks as 27 minutes to check and respond to ICQ messages, 3 minutes to eat.
You constantly yearn to have the ability to employ an "invisible list" in real life. You even go so far as to physically try to right click people to add them. (It didn't work.)
You've taken experimental drugs to grow a third arm, which might help increase your speed in replying to messages. Unfortunately, it made you grow a third nostril.
Your typing speed has continuously progressed after thousands of ICQ chats... to a record of 249 words per minute.
You leave an indent in your chair after your usual 8 straight hours of "ICQ'ing". You're cat got stuck in this crater you created.
You can't remember when the last time was that you ate a meal anywhere other than in front of the computer.
You can't remember when the last time was that you ate a meal.
You've written repeated letters to the government requesting that your social security number be changed to your ICQ number. Your last one included a death
You wake up at 3 a.m. and have to use the bathroom, and after you finish, you take a quick swing by the computer to check for messages...You find over 30 waiting for you.
You've had over 100 contacts online at one time.
You held detailed conversations with all 100...simultaneously.
You've asked your "real life" friends to refer to you by your ICQ nickname. You immediately broke off the friendship with anyone that refused, citing "unresolvable differences" as the reason why.
You refer to the period of your life before you downloaded ICQ as the "pre-ICQ
era". Back then you went outside of your house.
Your love life consists of sending "love notes" and the occassional steamy chat.
You really start to miss people you've never seen.
You have a map on the wall with red thumbtacks to mark where people are.
You want to meet a girl and your first impulse is to use the ICQ search engine.
You see psychedelic flowers when you close your eyes to go to sleep
You have an uncontrollable urge to forward this page to all 500+ of your ICQ
contacts, just in case they've not seen it yet. Even though you sent it to all of them all about three months ago.
The Dream is over
Had a really rough week on the last week of summer. I don't really know why this had to happen but three of my relatives died in succession over that week. One of them being my Aunt who died at the age of 66. She stayed here sometimes for treatment of her problems. She was a diabetic and suffered a stroke not long ago. Although I only have the slightest recollection, but most of my relatives seemed to think that she was what you would say in filipino: "Maasikaso" when it came to entertaining guests. We went to the wake two nights in a row to pay our last respects. I never thought I'd be in Gulod, Novaliches at around one in the morning that week. And now that I think about it, I dont think that I'd had a fitting ending to my summer. Then again, It wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. But somehow, I will miss waking up around 10 in the morning and watching four straight hours of television at noon time. I also had never thought that I would pick-up watching Mexican Telenovelas this summer. We'll I guess I was wrong. As for my Aunt, She has met our creator and finally at peace. And someday we all will. Take care out there. Peace out!
Some things that are partly true

In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything
because your eyes are covered up by tears! You
are constantly hurt and depressed... No one
seems to understand how you feel because
everyone is scared to get close to you... You
long to be able to reach out and tell someone
everything, and all of your problems... But you
have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to
want to hear what you have to say. You've been
hurt many times that you don't seem to have any
tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an
endless river flowing... You've started to hide
and bottle up all or your problems and
feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go
away... You want company, but at the same time,
you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your
room where you can just be alone and try to
throw away all of your aching pains. You're
dark and mysterious and people like you for
that reason. Even if you think you're all by
yourself in the dark, someone is always there
with you. Your special someone wants to admit
and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out
more and enjoy life because, it is far too long
to frown your way through :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla
Would school ever be this way?
School is just around the corner and were all anxious to be there (What a load of f*ckin' crap).And I know this is far from reality. But before stopping the video you are now watching, imagine this happening to a school near you! Wouldn't it be the sh*t?! This is a video for one of Van Halen's earlier hits. It's entitled "Hot for teacher" and raised alot of eyebrows from a very young MTV. Nowadays you'd see women with large chests and nice asses rollin' around videos but in these days, this is as far as you can get without parents breathing down your neck. I dont know, The Video just seemed to fit the mood this week. Can't you smell that schoolish atmosphere already?
How sinful am I?
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 60%
Envy: 40%
Gluttony: 0%
Greed: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Sloth: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die, but first you will turn into an evil robot. |