Damn man! I feel so bent out of shape. I got a lot of things going on these days. I got movies left and right as *our leader gracefully swings his f*ckin' 7-iron way up there in the hills. I had to seriously give leadership to other people. Me, being a sh*tty leader and all would never finish anything. I gotta hand it to Steve Vai man. When I finally get home from the sh*thole I had to deal with, all I have to do is to listen to him and I feel like I don't have to worry anymore. The title of the song he's performing right now is entitled "Tender surrender". Reminds me of Santi's farm somehow. The tranquility of the farm definitely compliments this song. I feel unwinded after this song's over. Oh, Tender surrender...don't we all need a little bit of this.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Damn man! I feel so bent out of shape. I got a lot of things going on these days. I got movies left and right as *our leader gracefully swings his f*ckin' 7-iron way up there in the hills. I had to seriously give leadership to other people. Me, being a sh*tty leader and all would never finish anything. I gotta hand it to Steve Vai man. When I finally get home from the sh*thole I had to deal with, all I have to do is to listen to him and I feel like I don't have to worry anymore. The title of the song he's performing right now is entitled "Tender surrender". Reminds me of Santi's farm somehow. The tranquility of the farm definitely compliments this song. I feel unwinded after this song's over. Oh, Tender surrender...don't we all need a little bit of this.
Nothing could have prepared me for what happened last saturday. It wasn't the playing and it wasn't the heavy competition. I saw a man die in front of my eyes last saturday. He probably fell victim to the streets bleeding profusely with a gunshot wound puncturing his chest and penetrating to his back. It was said that the man apparently was attempting to steal LPG from a local dealer. It wasn't long that authorities caught up to him as he made his escape. He was shot by a guard but still continued with his getaway. It wasn't long that he had made it all the way to our general direction where he finally passed out and bled to death. It gave us the jitters with the thought of a man full of life one moment and the next moment he meets his creator. It's an eye-opening ordeal having to realize how fragile life really is. The thought of the man bleeding to his death made me cringe as I try not to loose my composure for that day's important performance. But having been part of that event, I felt like God was looking down on our exact location at that moment. But what had always befuddled me after that episode was the man's intentions. What was he thinking trying to steal a 13 pound Iron LPG canister? and What was the guard thinking shooting a man next to a can of liquid gas? The theories kept pouring into my head that night on why these people did the irrational things they did that day. Was it because of the man's desperation? was the guard trigger-happy? I guess we would never know... God bless and take care.
It's strange lately...I dished out advice like a chinese buffet at lunch time. Im suspecting that I talk too much lately. And it isn't the type of conversation I'd usually have when were all sh*tting around. People seem to be asking love advice from a person who doesn't even know what a real relationship feels like. Because they seem to ask me the same questions. I try to answer them as honestly as possible and my answers for that topic are simply revolving on one thing:
Think with your heart
Believe me, I seem to think this piece of sh*t advice is so cliche. But it seems to work with everybody. People seem to think that love can be rationalized. But for obvious reasons, Love isn't like any other in this world. It is abstract and our interpretations for love vary. Which in my case, makes giving advice to this subject all the more complex. Clearly, There is no formula for suiting your significant other. Thus, this cannot be answered by science. Which is why I always say to do what you feel is right and try not to complicate situations by logically solving their dillemmas simply because love is illogical. With this said, I've just summed up what I could possibly say to someone in a span of an hour. I hope it helps. take care out there.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Last sunday felt like I slept in a f*ckin' closet for two long hours. The night..er I mean that morning was spent on watching concerts and eating breakfast items at two in the morning. I drank some coffee that morning which would actually come back to haunt me the same day. Technically, we slept of the floor since the cushion we were sleeping on was as thin as f*ckin' cardboard. Our sleep was also accompanied by music which I thought was "Blaring". To this day I still can't pinpoint what actually caused me to keep turning on our "bed". I had also learned something about her that made me not look at her for a long time. I kept waking up every minute whilst all of the people around me are sleeping. I believe it was around four in the morning when I finally dozed off. I seemed to forget that I was sleeping on an inch thick padding in the fetal position cause I had the strangest dream. I was at a dugout in some sort of stadium with my siblings and my big brother was denouncing our family. It didn't make much sense when I finally woke up like a wilted plant. I took a bath and went straight to McDonald's for a cheap ass breakfast. My head felt extremely heavy probably because I slept just before dawn broke and woke up right after it did. I would usually eat a hearty meal in McDonald's but Physically, Emotionally and Financially speaking, I didn't feel like it. When I finally got home, The Wowiecaster was in disarray. I had to have serviced in Audiophile just to make it work again. It didn't sound the same anymore though. Is it just me, or does my guitar sound thin? I couldn't believe I had to fork a f*ckin' grand for my guitar. Later that night, I went to mass. The same heavy headed feeling was still there. I mustered every strength I had to carry it home after. So much for my sunday...

I ain't the type of person who talks about sh*t liberally. Sure, I talk about sh*t once in a while. But to talk about sh*t's texture and consistency really bothers me. and Im also not an endorsing type of person. ( but if it was for some breast enlarger or scar removing thing you drink from a vial, Im game! )Don't be misled into thinking this blogpost is entirely about sh*t. Im talking about C-lium fibre. My parents have been taking these for months now and I believe it's all the rage for them and their friends. So one time, I decided to drink a sachet of this so-called Godsend product. It's pretty f*ckin' bland, so I decided to mix some juice to it so at least I don't have to gag everytime a gulp it down. It's really not what you ingest that counts in this thing but actually what you sh*t out that really proves it's working. To my amazement, this thing can actually prevent loose bowel-movement (LBM) and constipation! It actually makes you sh*t better! Anyway, enough with the f*ckin' chit-chat! I sound like a f*ckin' salesman here! Bottomline is, C-lium is the sh*t! (no pun intended)
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I thought that last friday would be the last day I'd ever see my guitars in a long long time...but then again, so as every report card day. I expected last friday to be hellacious because I thought that falure was inevitable. I woke up at around nine in the morning sweaty from the morning sun. I ate my breakfast and took my vitamins. THIS was the quiet before the storm. I waited anxiously for my mother to be back home and we'd both see my grade first-hand. It wasn't very long before we went to school and revealed my final grade. I don't know what they had cooking in that freaking faculty room but my grades were higher than I expected. I actually preparing to brace myself but I was thankful I got the grades I had. But I wouldn't slack off just yet..
Hey! I've been scouring the web looking for unanswered questions last night. I found that some of them actually had answers to them and some are just plain stupid. Let me sample a bunch for you:
"What was Captian Hook's name before he had a hook for a hand?"
The word "Gullible" is not found in the dictionary.
How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?
If an atheist has to go to court, do they make him swear on the Bible?
Why are the commercials for cable companies on cable but not on regular television? Don't they want the people without cable to buy the cable?
Why do hotdogs come in packs of 8 when hotdog rolls come in packs of 10?
If you don't pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?
If Wile E. Coyote had enough money for all that Acme crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
If a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied buttered bread on top of a cat?
If you're cross-eyed and have dyslexia can you read correctly?
Sunday, September 11, 2005
And now a quick look at my test scores I passed 5 out of 7!
Algebra= 36 (60)
Geometry= 34 (60)
English= 55 (60)
Filipino= 64 (100)
Economics= (?) F*ckin A! I forgot! but I know I passed!
Physics= 39 (60)
I just got off of one of my friend's party. I had a nice time. But I wish *she didn't have to leave this place though. I won't ever get to see her anymore. But in all seriousness though, I really thought what we played over there sucked. Nobody really took it seriously and they all had other things to worry about. Was what we were doing really playing? cause from my stand point, we just sound like fingernails through a chalkboard. I feel like we could've done better if we hadn't had interruptions from everybody who swiped our equipments. I don't mean to be selfish. And im not implying that I am good and better than anybody, but we are at a time that anybody...and I mean ANYBODY can just pick up a guitar and consider him or herself a musician. It's just hard to differentiate anymore who plays for the love of the music from someone who plays to fit in. I gotta couple of colleagues who share the same philosophy towards this topic. My philosophy is quite simple, I play for the love of music. Whenever I feel like Im overworked at the end of the day, I just pickup my guitar and let it do the talking. For me, it's more of freedom of expression rather than going with everyone else. I dont mean to be a real ass here, but isn't anyone taking guitars seriously anymore? I often see this around the campus when someone criticizes a certain method of guitar playing and compares them to his own preference. Whenever I see this, I just happen to ask myself: "do they really know what they're talking about?" I myself prefer a certain style of playing, but I have learned to appreciate the different style of playing guitars. I try to envision myself trying to play them and I realize that each style has their own way of delivering it's message to everybody. The same way people are, each of us have differences but in each of us lie our true inner beauty. Looking back, I don't mean to offend my friend who hosted that party, but I never want to play in an environment quite like that again. If he wants us to play again, just make sure the performers stay performers and the audience...stay the audience
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I haven't posted for a long time in preparation for this past week which contained a whole lot of emotion and asked a lot of questions. The week started on a freakin' holiday. To everyone's surprise monday was called off due to The National heroes day landing on a sunday this year. At that time I thought to myself that my entire week's schedule would be blown-off...I guess what I had in mind wasn't what I wanted. I dedicated some time to study and look over my notes that day but as soon as I touched the Wow-a-caster I felt that I couldn't let go of it and quite resembled what I thought was a huge rush of oxy-toxin through my body. I felt weak, guilty and sleepy all at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I really did study. but somehow I can still think to myself that I could've done better. I felt that I had studied enough to pull my grades to a decent score and somehow be able to make my grades look presentable to my parents. I came to school with ruler and calculator in hand and started to answer the questions that I dreaded the most. The test from all the subjects, in my opinion varied. You'd sometimes think that the test was relatively easy and then like a stalker in the night stabs you in the back and leads you to the worst type of questions you'd ever answer. I got a lot of spare time right after the tests were over which is why I spent my lunchtimes at Palawan street eating burgers and vanilla shakes. I must be living under a rock not knowing there were an awesome array of food items on that area. It was cheap but filling and the taste was not half bad. I also took alot of make-up exams during my extra time after school. Some of them dated back into early first term which pissed me off a whole lot. There are somethings that are just not worth remembering. But as Coach Padi would often say Whatcha gonna do, ah? so I said to myself: "To hell with everything I'd rather take these tests that to fail at it because at least I could say I tried." Eventually, The teachers finally ran out of papers and started to dismiss us for the first term. It was a great deal of accomplishment for everybody, but I would be to confident as far as my grades were concerned. I finally could play The Wow-a-caster without any of the guilt I had the past nights. I immediately went to Jose's to finally jam with everybody. It isn't unusual for me to be jamming with these people, but to jam with them at a carefree disposition clear of doubts and fears of tests was a real great feeling. The following morning marked my third visit to Santi's farm in Batangas. I woke up at around a quarter to 5 just to meet up with them at Mcdonald's at around 5:30. I love the breakfast at Mcdonalds. It reminds me of a cold december morning I totally yearn for. We didn't leave early though. We left at around an hour after all of us got there. I saw the sun rising up from the east and slowly blinding us with the glory of it's rays. When we did finally leave, My ass was about to endure the 2 hour ride from hell. Half of my ass was on the edge of the seat I was seated on. Which made my ass-crack a vulnerable area. Boy, was I glad to get out of that seat. What was amazing about that trip was it felt like time moved really slow. There would be times that I'd think it was deep in the afternoon when it wasn't even noon yet. It was also there that I had learned to my stupidity that I only brought a shirt with me. Which meant that I would be left out of our swim in the river. The hike to the river was a grueling ordeal. We literally trekked our way to the river. I was deeply concerned about how the girls would weather the slippery rocks on their flip-flops. But they're tough girls and they all went past those damn rocks. It must've been real fun. Cause it looked fun from my perspective. The day had to end inevitably and we all were tired from our long day at the farm and went back home to civilization. Our day at the farm was a breath of fresh air. *She made me feel a huge sense of rapture deep inside of me. Things like these don't happen very often and Im glad I had the most out of it. If you're still keeping up with the story, The chain of events finally lead us to last night. Our band Sanchez and our partner band Bulusan came unprepared for a farewell party for our friend Rea. To our disappointments, *Our drummer left us unexpectedly for a day at the beach. What we came up with was a merger of the two bands with JM as our drummer. To my surprise, The people actually liked the set. Altough I thought my effects pedal really bailed out on me in the middle of the songs and my mother kept calling me during one of the songs. The bands are now thinking of merging permanently and if you ask for my personal opinion, I really don't know where I stand. So that concludes my week. It's not really hell week. It's the best of both worlds.

Who the f*ck makes these sculptures man?!

Cathy, Santi and the new dog!

The stagnant side of the river