My 16th Birthday

Cute birthday cake ain't it? Thanks to Sir "Engineer" Pineda for the cake.(Even if I never did pass his third quiz, he still gave it to me.) I never had a big cake, neither did I have a party.
Parties ain't my thing, I'd prefer a small group to a big one any day. I just find it too crowded. I also hate it when people crash on parties. That's why I really never do it.
If I wasn't invited to a party, I'd probably say f*ck your party, I ain't invited, I dont give a sh*t..nothing personal. So with that in mind, I just gathered some good friends last friday to have a couple of drinks and socialize. I really had a great time betting on channel 67.(Horse-racing) Although I lost, I couldn't have had so much fun just laughing at the ridiculous names people give to their horses.
Just picture yourself as the horse, wouldn't you just kick your owner straight in the face if he named you "Mr. Bullseye" or "Jenny-cole"? I know I would. I also discovered that theres actually a Jockey named "J.V. Hernandez". (I hate to break it to you, but it's true J.V.) The food was awesome, I hadn't eaten that much pasta in my life. I also jammed with my friends to the tune of "The Beatles".
There was actually a whole lot of beer left that I've literally been drinking the whole week and Im still drinking as we speak. The get-together I had planned was absolutely awesome. but the real surprise was yet to come:
The stores were coming to a close when my heart stopped coz' my dad just bought my dream guitar. If this is just a dream, I will very much punch the first person who wakes me up. This is one of The very last of the EVH series from Peavey. It's a Peavey "Wolfgang special" with a "D-tuna".
It's pretty amazing since I have long demolished the fact that I would ever have one of these in my guitar stand since Eddie Van Halen left Peavey last year. I also was psyched with it's color. It's a gold quilt-top kind of like what Eddie used in the "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge tour" (Get the acronym?) in 1991. This is definitely something that I will take care of. I wanna thank my father and God and all of those in heaven for this wonderful gift.
This may sound so materialistic, but it truly is a Happy birthday.

The really cool and unique carved Head stock

This has got to be a dream
The best comedic performance
Congrats to everybody in my group! Winning this award makes me feel like we're the winners. Absolutely no contest in this category...If anyone else won this f*ckin' award, I would've probably threw a fit on the stage.
It's more of a recognition award rather that a prize for me since nobody else was bold enough to parody the sh*tload of horror/suspense movies on the contest. I would have to give kudos to the class next door (B). There's was a really fine piece of work. The editing was absolutely awesome. (I forgot the name of their editor..something Santos..Oh, f*ck it!) We also racked up the "Best in music" award. Damn, the judges have real good taste in music! I wouldn't have thought that the judges listen to "Black sabbath" or "K.I.S.S.". All in all,
Winning both awards makes me satisfied because I now know that we were successful in entertaining our audience.
Set it free
The video you are now watching is my class' entry for the inspirational sh*t contest in guidance.
I dont mean to be a sore loser. But I still feel bad from losing contest. Cause I really think the winners were so overrated. I toiled for two days editing both audio and video for this music video. Im pretty satisfied with the outcome of the video. I believe the message of the song was supported by the layout of the graphics being displayed.
The message in the video was really implying "Aim straight to your point". In my point of view, I was trying to show that you have to be direct to your goal to succeed, kind of like the visuals. Direct and down the point. Simple and crystal clear.
I was kind of saddened that people found more creativity on the message on a guitar-playing piece of green blob than that of our movie. Oh well, that's life.
Birthday present
My birthday is drawing near and I there couldn't be anything I'd be jonesing more for right now than a new axe. I scouted music stores nearby for an awesome guitar and found that the guitar pictured above, a similar type axe in Audiophile was what I was looking for. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that the guitar is called an Ibanez S-series S370. and I also believe that it's part of the line they release 4 years ago. It may seem so long ago, but it's versatility is still there. I find in it a lot of things the Wow-a-caster wasn't able to deliver. For instance, there is the locking tremolo, a certain part of a guitar that I try as much as possible to look-out for. I really do hope I get one of these. Cause I know it wouldn't hurt to invest on a guitar for a person like me who plays guitar, literally non-stop. Damn man! I could just feel the mahogany already!
The Beach boys live in Manila
Last week marked my very first (or at least I think) visit to "The Big dome".
You know, Nobody else but me ever really gives a sh*t about that but to think that my very first visit to "The Big dome" was a Beach boys concert makes me feel awesome inside. When I first got there, I couldn't imagine how small the arena floor really was.
On TV, they make it look so f*ckin' big! My fascinations with arenas and stadiums continue to lead me to places like these. And I felt a sense of accomplishment from the inner kid in me. On the downside, The Beach boys that performed back there wasn't really the complete and original Beach boys. but I'll tell you, they can still put on a hell of a show. I was also able to see Ramon "RJ" Jacinto play as opening act.
Their style of guitar playing isn't really face-meltingly fast, but it's still the type that can lift you off the ground. Plus their instruments really weren't "Top-of-the-line", Yet they were able to make something really awesome. I was really impressed with how they were able to pull-off a guitar solo with the guitar behind them. I actually learned a couple of things from their improv solos. Maybe in the near future I could put those to good use.
In the end, I really think it was a good thing I got tickets for that event, because even though it was so f*ckin' expensive, it was well worth it.