Christmas rush
Forgive me for not posting in such a long time. I've been extremeley busy these past weeks. I myself haven't been getting some "me" time as well. But in any case, this season has been really good. I know that it all means work for me. But it's not work that has a dragging feeling --It's work that actually feels satisfying. The start of all this "work" (or so I'd like to call it) begins on the night of thursday, December 15. It is actually the start of simbang gabi or the novena masses in our parish. The novena is really done the morning after, but time constraints really limit some working (really working..) people from attending it. So the must've figured to put something much more convenient. But it still isn't the biggest crowd I've seen. During the masses, I've noticed a significant amount of people have been missing the masses over the years. I've been serving the same masses for the past 3 years and never have I seen the church that empty on such a night like that. Nevertheless, I went on to serve the mass. The following morning, I woke up at 4. This then that I realized that 4 in the morning really isn't my finest hour. Me and my fellow server Aaron got to the church via the ground floor. Not very much people go there at night let alone in the wee hours of the morning since this is where the cremated get laid to rest. I didn't find anything erie about the place (I really haven't for the past 6 years!) You could even say it was comforting since it's the church and all. We went up to go to the sacristy and to my surprise saw this huge mass of people unlike the one I saw last night. These types of crowds really get me riled up to serve because you know you have to be flawless in your actions not to get embarassed. You know the funny part about serving in the morning is? People really aren't in their proper states of mind and they say and do the darndest things.
I had this one guy in communion, say "Thank you" instead of "Amen". And an experience from my friend Aaron also during communion, some guy also said something other than "Amen":
Lay minister: "The Body of christ?"
Man:"Good Morning! ah eh...Amen..amen"
But really...and I need to be honest with you here. the best part about simbang gabi is really after mass.

It's my "Big breakfast custom". It consist of a regular Mcdonalds "Big breakfast" with muffin, two garlic rice, orange juice and a hash brown. Talk about carbo-loading! I dont suggest you eat this unless you have a gut as big as mine. I thought this one up due to the fact that The Mcdonald's "big" breakfast are only big to people like hobbits. I used to always eat this during 5:30 in the morning in decembers most especially on the mornings of the 16th to the 24th. Sadly, It's getting harder to find. People are getting lazier (and poorer)than ever these days. It used to be that we went there everyday and then go to Starbucks afterward. Christmas really is the time when you gain weight. I gained 5 f*ckin' pounds man! But I figured, that if Im getting fatter, The whole world's going with me. But man this sucks! But still fat as I am, I went on to serve the 8:30 P.M. anticipated masses and the 4:30 masses religiously for that next week until the eighth day. Our family had a visiting family over from Chicago on the eight day which meant that I also will be busy entertaining them. We had a blast when we went to Chicago so it's really our turn to show them around here. I missed the next 4 8:30 p.m. masses and nearly missed the last 4 a.m. mass. With all this stress with keeping up with the parish's schedule and entertaining our guests you'd think I must be really tired by now. We'll contrary to that, I actually feel good that this is happening. I'll admit it, Im a lazy, guitar-playing, couch-potato. So activities like these really liven up my spirit cause I finally get to move around and my guitar Wolfie can finally rest. We went to a christmas party two nights ago and the theme really isn't catchy and not even christmassy..."Healthy foods". Now, I try to watch what I eat ( I just try..didn't say I do ) But who eats healthy food on christmas? Bring on the lard! It's just not fun without the fat! But really, this night would prove to be the luckiest in a long time. I never really win raffles, I just don't. That night changed it though. I won 3,000 bucks in the grand prize! I spent a portion of that on "Friends" season 7 and 2 concert DVDs. It was absolutely gratifying. Our last of our escapades takes us to Corregidor. It's one of those places in our home land that I just keep on forgetting to go. I went there yesterday to see the remains of the war. I'll tell you, Apart from their small penises in porn The Japanese are f*ckin' psycotic. I saw how they bombed the area. Sick, sick, men. Here are some pictures:

Kuya Mon's Big gun at Battey Way

The remains of "Mile long barracks" at the tops side

A map of The Malinta tunnel

A scary, unrestored section of The Malinta tunnel.
The REAL driving simulator
Ah...Gran Turismo. I've been hooked on this video game since it's release in 1997. But since then, it just keeps getting better and better. In recent weeks, I've been playing nothing but sony's latest version of Gran Turismo. This was their fourth installment of the game and the graphics and gameplay are absolutely off the chain.
During this past week, I indulged myself in competing in one of Gran Turismo's challenging tasks, The endurance races. These races really take time to finish and if I could be able to describe it in words...Painstaking. I got up to speed with "Suzuka 1000km". This lasted roughly about 6 hours of total playing. Your probably thinking to yourself "Wowie is crazy" But theres a fun part there. In the fourth installment comes the B-spec mode or director's mode. In this mode, you are the director and not the driver. You let the computer race and you'll dictate it's tempo. Plus, You can speed up the process three times faster than normal. (I love you SCEA people!!!)
I finished earlier than expected and then proceeded to race in "New york 200 miles" and then "El Capitan 200 miles" and finally "Nurburging 4 hour endurance"...Crazy! I also got screenshots of my cars in the game. At first, I was astonished by the images from the game. get used to it.

A 2003 Pontiac GTO. Fully set-up 600+ Hp

A 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle. Stage 2 Turbo 600+ Hp

A 1979 Autobianchi Abarth. Fully set-up 200+ Hp

A 1997 Toyota Starlet Glanza. Fully set-up 300+ Hp

A 1990 Lotus Carlton. Fully set-up 500+ Hp

A 1996 Nismo 400R. Stock 400+ Hp
Does this feeling mean im getting old?
Check this out! I was searching again for some funny old sh*t again last week. And I found this amazing video clip that was aired not so long ago. If you've been watching Nickelodeon since it first started airing in 1999, you would probably remember a short skit during program gaps called "inside-out boy". (If you remember back then, there were no commercial breaks..f*ckin' capitalists)I found this neat episode where it was the science fair. I was kind of hoping it was the "M.C. Mallet concert" episode but hey, it still brings back memories.
Why and how you need the audacity
It is in my opinion, and I will come right out and say it that LJs are for wussies..(Careful, I didn't use the letter P there) I just find it senseless to post articles in public access internet and not have the audacity to let everybody see it.
I'm being an asshole here but does it look like I give a sh*t? You see many a times, I come across "journals" which spark my curiosity only to find that theres a banner hanging from the top of the f*ckin' page saying "Friend's only". What is f*ckin' up with that?!
Again, you might as well send your gifts via e-mail cause apparently you dont have anytime to leave your PC to talk to your friends. If it's that important, why dont you just talk to your friends in person? Then you'd never have to worry what emoticon to use the next time they misunderstand what you feel in the sentences. This type of feature in my opinion, really promote PC usage more than ever. In a extremely scale environment, might even be a factor of the cause of obesity.(hey,it could happen) This also more than ever, reduces human interaction largely. Social interaction is an important part of any human being's everyday life. If not dealt with, it could lead to depression.
Although I am not saying that only Live Journals are a merely one-sided conversations. Weblogging in general seem to show a more monologous conversation. Even though a few interactive options have been in offered over the years, It is still left to the author to spark up the conversation. And considering that you have talked about certain issues in a "friends only" environment, what are we left to talk about? In such extreme cases, if done at a distant span, we would be left if non-substantial conversations with our peers and colleagues. Thus, The variety of readers on an "open" environment journal on the other hand, promote a more open forum that can be considered more interactive than "closed" journals. It could now be possible to voice out opinions in a worldwide scale rather that let your voiced out opinions be constricted to only your friends in the first or second degree. So in conlusion to this part, It is certain that the word "Blog" is derived from the word "Web log" and people do not realize that the compound word Weblog is a compound word for a reason.
Like a diary, the log is made to record your thoughts and emotions toward specific events. And the word Web, obviously indicates that it is open to the eyes of people accessing the internet. So in that context, the idea of a locked web journal is contradicting to it's true purpose. The final word on this:
If you wanna say some sh*t about other people without anybody else but your friends knowing it, better use your mouth and start yapping to their ears. Cause if you ain't got the balls to say what you wanna say in the free web, then how is it really free?