You can tell that Im bored part 2
I remember posting the part one of this entry exactly this month a year ago. Here I go again! This entry is intended for the adverts I saw all through out the summer. So this time, I got adverts from our U.S. trip. You know, advertisers here in the Philippines could learn alot from these next ads. I don't know what it is with the writers here, but that's something I promise to straighten out when I graduate. Anyway, Enjoy!
The Brands, names, mascots, slogans and images used in this video are under copyright of their respective owners. I'm not at all affiliated with any of them.
"Joey" gets the axe

Forgive me if I didn't talk about this sooner. But as of May 15, The "Friends" spin-off "Joey" is now officially been cancelled. The show has been steadily declining audience ratings since it's first airing on september of 2004 and was first pulled on december 2005 only to come back on march 2006 to air only one episode on its tuesday timeslot alongside "American idol" and finally being officially cancelled last May 15. The remaining episodes will supposedly air in August. Personally, I found the show to have potential to be great --Alot of people seemed to think so. During "Friends" last run, "Joey" was being well publicized. And promised to be just as good as its predecesor. which is why it garnered first place in the ratings on its pilot episode... Only to the disappointment of many. I found a couple of things to be a main factor to its demise that really doesn't take much to realize. and here i go....
First impressions last:
Immediately following "Friends", The writers of "Joey" should have dished out their fine materials instead of opting to make fun of Joey's stupidity and the like. On its pilot episode the entire "Friends" following was watching what was to be, the passing of the torch. Unfortunately, They opted to progress the material working up as the show went on.. not a good idea. By then, "Joey" was labelled a cheap "Friends" knock-off and 82% of its original audience was gone.
Bad placement
On its second run being out on hiatus for three months, "Joey" was aired on another time slot. It ran on a tuesday at 8 p.m. This was unfortunately aired simultaneously with the hit show "American idol". Trouble there is, that majority of people tend to care more on fresher concepts rather than new brands of the tried and tested. This is a perfect example of such a behavior. "American idol" being the fresher one despite the fact that it had been airing for a considerable amount of time, The concept of Sitcoms have been repeated lots of times... and "Joey" is a sitcom.
The Da vinci code
Wow! I can't believe how much people are making mountains out molehills this week. May 18 marked the premier of the Da vinci code and there were some controversies surrounding this. I say to myself "why does it have to be controversial?!". They say that Dan Brown's making a profit out of the religion and that it might ruin the perception of other catholics. I find this to be one sided. Forgive me but I haven't really finished this book. I tried but I never really had the chance. But for a book this highly acclaimed, how is it written to have used religion? I could've understood the sentiments of those who are opposed to it, had Dan Brown written something really bad or was a blatant hit to catholicism. But this certainly was not the case. And another thing, This book was intended to be fictional. Those that have had their perceptions of their faith distorted should've really sought help before watching this movie. It shouldn't have shaken your faith provided you know that it's a movie. (otherwise, what the hell are you doing there?!)
Bottomline is, everybody should be free to watch what they want to watch. And I say if you believe that you are secure of your faith and know what you're getting into, then by all means watch the movie. Otherwise, I suggest you go watch "Over the hedge" instead. Nobody should tell anybody what TO and what NOT TO watch.
*Nurburgring nordschleife 24 hour endurance race

Two days ago I had set the date to finally work on my Gran Turismo file after a really long hiatus. Since its very first installment, I've been constantly playing it any chance I get. But because of some technical problems, concerning our outdated P.S. 2, I had to shelf it 'til I either fix it or buy an original. And since I obtained an original copy of the fourth installment on our trip to the U.S., The race was on once again. So I woke up at four that morning and --in a way, picked the poison I had to swallow that day. I chose the track which racers called "Green hell"... The Nurburgring Nordschleife. It's 20.8 kilometers of tarmac and greenery. Clearly, it's the longest track in the game. The weapon of choice: A Jaguar XJ220. Note that when I first had this car prepped up for the race, it had about 3000+ kilometers on its odometer.... More on that later. Now, the good thing about this new installment of Gran Turismo is its "B-spec" or in lay man's terms... an autopilot with a fast-forward option that allows you to make the time move three times faster. Although I found this to be convenient in being able to change the channel as I race, the autopilot automatically resets itself after every pitstop. And due to the lengthy environment of the Nordschleife, the car went in and out of the pitlane every so often. This pretty much took up most of my time as I had to check up on the race every 5 or so minutes. As the race went on, I kept calculating for the time that I should finish. I reckon 8 hours to say the least. This estimate proved to be so wrong. I felt like I was once again in an airplane with the exception of the fact that I can move around the house for just five minutes. As the hours rolled along things started to get really boring. By this time the sun had risen which meant the temperature had as well. I could already smell the plastic case of the voltage regulator slowly melting along with the VHS tape I put underneath it. Somewhere along the race, *a friend of mine decided to make it harder for me and said "I think I'll make a surprise visit to Wowie's house!". Now to make things worse, I had to tend to both the PS 2 and the PC, where we were recording a song. Not long after that though, I finally finished the race at about 2 in the afternoon. The Jag had about 9000 kilometers on its odometer and its oil was coffee black. I won a mil in credits and a cool formula 1 cart. Some people (along with *my friend who kept on bugging me) might find it unusual, but I find a sense of accomplishment there. Which draws the fine line... We all have fun in our own different way. Mine just happened to be endurance races.
Snap back to reality
And just like that our 28-day U.S. vacation's over. Frisco came as a pleasant surprise to me. I hate to want to admit it, but I had fun. Man! while I was already there I wish I could've seen Kari Byron! (Ha! Fat f*ckin' chance!) No dice though... it's a shame really --for me at least. I don't mean to come off as cheesy, and I might just be reflecting my own opinion but this vacation was really good. I learned a couple of things along the way though. Like how I suck at flirting with caucasian women. (Don't get me wrong, I did try and fix that while we were there) and how constantly eating fastfood will get you from an overweight 178 lbs. to a plump 194 in 21 days. I just laugh about that though, knowing the fact that I will never see those people ever again. Which is why I seemed to have forgotten alot of things here in our home land that, I just as if, threw in the air and was left there hanging. And it didn't start to dawn on me until our last flight from Japan that I still had a whole lot of sh*t to shovel back here.
I remembered that saying that I never really got until that day we went to Naperville --"The grass is always greener on the other side". I find it to be true. I guess I just find alot of things over there to be exactly what I wanted. I hope I dont have that colonial mentality but it's a dream to live there some day --No, make it a GOAL to live there some day. If I had a chance to swap with somebody from over there, It'd be my pleasure. I just find a brighter life there. not that Im trying to forget matters in The Philippines... Im just trying not to remember. So Peps, Live my dream. But I'll be back.... I'll be back...
Week #3
This is our last full week here in the good ol' U.S. of A. For our last few days we'd be heading west to San Francisco.(I resent that) This past week wasn't as active as the last few weeks. I dyed my hair pink if that helps. Man! I still can't believe we're going to Frisco! The next time I check back, I'd probably back in The Philippines already. Sh*t! See you guys in 5 days.
Eastern conference first round: Cavs vs Wizards

It was a thrilling match indeed as The Cleveland Cavaliers defeated The Washington Wizards 114 to 113 last night at The Verizon center in Washington D.C. From what I've watched, I could sense that the Wizards made a bunch (not a few) careless 3-point shots late in the game. Gilbert Arenas also wasn't able to Carpe diem on the last to free throw shots which could've given them a then commanding three point lead. It was almost as if it was predictable during the last ten seconds of the game. Time and time again in this series it would be the Cavs coming out on top in the end with a Lebron James clutch shot. But instead, Lebron James inbounded the ball and gave the ball to Damon Jones to make a game (and Series) winning shot from the left baseline. This marked Cleveland's first playoff win in eight years. How far will they go? We're about to find out when they face the Detroit Pistons for the Semis.
Week #2
And the vacation continues! We've just past midway through our trip and yet I've gotten what I've came for already. I came here to the United states for three things, to relax, to score some clothes (and some women possibly!), and to buy guitar parts. I feel great and I got clothes, parts and a little more to boot! I made my way to Guitar center last week. Holy sh*t man! I felt like I was in Toy's R' us when I got in there! The selection truly was overwhelming... Wito wasn't sh*tting me. I actually picked up one from the rack --an OLP axis model (Like wolfie) and started to do a little Leaping.. Lo and behold, it turned heads! Sadly, we had to hurry up to get to Naperville (a 30 minute drive to where we were) and I wasn't able to get much but what I really needed. To Aaron...Inuman nalang tayo libre nalang kita. And to Luigi... bili nalang tayo sa Metropolis ulit. Also this week, I made my second trip to the place where they deemed "Delightfully tacky yet unrefined"... Hooters!!! Yes, if there was a place where scantily clad women were a staple, this was the place. In reality, the food really wasn't all that exceptional. (Coz' c'mon! Chicken wings are chicken wings!) But when you have women all wearing skimpy shorts and tight tanktops, it just makes food a little more tasty! I actually got more than I could chew... figuratively speaking. I got me a calendar! Now, you know how much I love that picture of Iya Villania hanging from my door, but that just has to move! Cause I got 12 months of hooters girls with me when I get back! Peace out!
Eastern conference round 1: Bulls vs. Heat

I'm not very good at basketball... Let alone at breaking down games but here I go anyway! Just a couple of minutes ago The Miami Heat defeated The Chicago Bulls by a significant margin. It was actually a shock to me seeing that Dwayne Wade fell down hard early on in the second quarter and Shaquille O'neal was sitting most of the game out due to foul trouble and still coming out as the victors. If the oppotunity to snatch a crucial game over The Heat was needed, now was the time. Unfortunately for the Bulls, it was not their night. Looking back, I could tell things were starting to fall apart for The Bulls early on the fourth quarter.(Talk about timing!) They made a bunch of careless shots and the great rebounding which I admired earlier in the game was starting to vanish and fast. On The Heat's part, it was great that they were able to keep their composure despite some bad calls from the referee and having a difficult time trying to shake off the bulls in the first few quarters. This truly is an interesting series as it swings back to Chicago for game six.