A few concerns...
Geeeez!! I haven't heard that line for a really long time now! Well, life goes on real painfully slow this week. Although a few notable things I learned this week was that statistics dont mean jack sh*t and bringing guitars are illegal where I study. I'll start off with number one real quick... The Miami Heat scored the victory yesterday and snagged the championship from their western counterparts the Dallas Mavericks. I'll be honest, I was pulling for the Mavs. But to make things clear, it was because I knew something like this was bound to happen. I found it to be such a cliche. It was so obvious. But still, I raise my hats off to them (not including Gary Payton) for a terrific season. And so the season draws to a close... I wish I could say the same to Mark Cuban's mouth though. Couldn't he just shut up? there IS no use in complaining anyway! I suggest that he should spare him his dignity and zip his f*ckin' pie-hole.
And now this leads me to my number two concern... A couple of days ago, I brought in the 5150 guitar to the classroom. Nothing special, it was there sitting on the TV cabinet waiting to be played. I never did though. I patiently waited for breaktime to come and not long after... it did. I was anxious to play the guitar but before i could strum and right before I departed for the doorway, our batch leader (and science teacher that absolutely bores me to death) confronted me and told me not to bring the guitar without proper documentation by our ATTP and that it should stay in her office during classes. I was completely outraged by this stipulation. It was bad enough not being able to play the guitar for the remainder of last school year. But this year also? I find it to be bullsh*t! The guitar is the only emotional output I have during schooldays. Whenever I talk to people, I run out of words to say. But with this, I just keep on playing... I'd play for days on end if I could. To take this away would be like talking my mouth, eyes or limbs away. So I say f*ck the permit! Let it burn in hell along with their lame, half-baked ideas. I play guitar when I want to, and I'll STOP when I want to.
Funny URLs
Hey! I was surfing the web a couple of days when I stumbled across this list of URLs which I think, their owners never proofread before buying. Here are some:
Try clicking on any of the links!
1st day of school
I couldn't picture myself wearing the black pants and barong. Really I couldn't. I was staring at myself thinking.. "And now it's all down to this..". I just went about observing the surroundings today. I really can't help but ask: what's with all the changes? I never really said much about this in my 12 years I've been in this institution and provided I do get feedback, I wouldn't be there anymore. Now, I thought that a school is a place where students are provided a good, well-balanced environment to learn and study the world around us. With all these adjustments how is it well-balanced anymore? All Im saying is, They should stop tinkering with the system too much. It's not that change is a bad thing. I mean, we do need to constantly improve and reinvent ourselves. But not to the extent that the balance of the surroundings is compromised. I don't know, maybe I'm just pissed cause it felt like a human sardine can in the canteen earlier today and the food (Which was changed and "Improved") takes alot to be desired. I know I won't be able to see what happens next year. But for the sake of the people below me who still have a couple more to go, stop f*ckin' playing with the f*ckin' system too much!
Featured music:

Polaris was a band formed by the members of the indie rock band Miracle legion to record tracks for the hit 90's youth show "The adventures of Pete and Pete". The name Polaris was used because one of Miracle legion members was unavailable and thus had a couple of musicians fill in for this void instead. Their song "Hey, Sandy" which was the show's intro sequence for the rest of its original run from 1993 to 1996 has had its lyrics under scrutiny for some time. One line on the first verse of the song used in the intro sequence sound similar to "Can you sell me a 'shroom, babe?" refering to Magic mushrooms, a type of drug. Although on the 2005 release of the show's DVD, the captions to this disputed line goes "Can you settle to shoot me?" This is plausible as to which this could be a reference to Sandra Scheuer, a student at Kent state university who was accidentally shot by the national guard. Still to this day, Polaris' vocalist Mark Mulcahy has yet to release the original lyric to the song. And the show's creator Chris Viscardi was quoted saying I've actually become very passionate about keeping that line a secret.". His motive is still unknown.
And so it begins...
I hope you noticed that I've put a countdown timer on the head of the site. And so as of now I officially begin the countdown to the start of our (guessing that you're probably my batchmate) or my last schoolyear of high school. I don't know if that makes me excited or just nauseous. Nonetheless, It's bound to start sometime. Might as well count along.
Eastern conference finals: Detroit Pistons vs. Miami Heat game 7

Sadly enough, I wasn't able to watch this game live today in all its glory. I woke up to find out I had been late for my college review classes by a half an hour. I rushed to the bathroom and headed out the door after. So I never really had the liberty of actually checking the T.V. for this game. Seems to be a good match though as the Detroit pistons ended their season in the hands of the flu-stricken Dwayne Wade and the Miami Heat 95 to 78. Just a couple of things I have to say.. even though Im not for the heat this season (probably out of spite, since they beat the bulls)I have to say that I applaud Dwayne Wade's effort today... I guess he wasn't just talking shit in his shoe commercials. He was able to play 37 minutes and started! Although.. while were in the topic of discussing Heat players, I can't help but single out one player that I've despised for the past few seasons...
Gary Payton sucks. Period. I can't really say that he deserves to win the trophy along with the likes of Shaq and D. Wade. I mean dont get me wrong.. I did respect him before during his early stint in Seattle, but his career moves nowadays is a little short of desperate. First his move to the Lakers in 2003 which, hey, I thought was a championship team for sure. Only to be f*cked up by Gary's ball hog basketball playing. Not much has changed so I don't know if he actually deserves it. At least I don't see it.