Sell out!
Has anybody read the paper this morning? if you have, have you turned to the entertainment section? Geez, I've heard of product placement but this takes the cake. I normally am not the type of person who would actually pick up and read a newspaper. But in this instance, Im glad I did. I can't help but laugh at all of the product placements Kris Aquino put in her interview for the philippine star's entertainment article today. In my eyes, it wasn't an interview... It was one big advertisment. She mentioned more or less 5 brands of something she's endorsing right now! here are some of it:
Are you persnickety in the bathroom?
"Not really. All I do is soap myself twice. First with an
anti-bacterial Kissa Papaya soap, the green one; and once more with
the Kissa Papaya pink soap. That’s what Claudine and I have in common: We’re both fond of scented body wash. We exchange packages. I want a different scent every day."
And what do you use for your hair?
"Pantene. In the morning, I use only
Pantene conditioner and at night
Pantene shampoo. I take a bath thrice a day, especially if I have to attend a social function. Kaysa patung ka nang patong ng make-up, I’d rather take a bath na lang."
Your bathroom ritual sounds like a production number.
"After taking a shower, while my body is still damp and before towelling off, I apply oil all over my body. I alternate
six different body oils, all from Bench. I never leave the house without applying sunblock.
(Dr.) Vicki (Belo) told me to do it because I have sensitive skin. Ma-freckle ako, di ba?"
What’s your favorite perfume?
Kris, siempre! Actually, I have eight different pabangos; ina-alternate ko sila. But our favorite talaga is Hug Me, very baby-powder ang amoy. When you apply oil after taking a bath and then perfume, the scent stays longer in your body, lasting all day long."
When you eat out, where do you usually go?
"It has become our family’s habit to dine at
the Araneta Center especially after James’ games. We actually dine there at least once a week. I love the fact that
Araneta Center’s gastronomic offerings are a veritable buffet for diners of every taste and mood. What’s more,
Araneta Center is the nearest shopping and leisure center to my place of work, so it’s really convenient for me and my family."
Featured music:

This week's song is Poison's 1988 hit "Every rose has its thorn". This song is mainly about lost love. Specifically a failed love affair with a female stripper. It's been said that the inspiration for this song came one night after a Poison gig when vocalist Bret Michaels called up the woman at her apartment and heard a man's voice in the background. Distraught, he started to write the song while in a laundromat. This single peaked in the charts on christmas eve of '88. Personally, I find The lyrics compelling and the guitar solos very melodious. Enjoy.
The Virgin records Ad game

There are 74 bands signed with Virgin records on that picture represented by a comical image. Could you count them all? No, I do not know all of them. I can only note a bunch of them. I'll give you a hint.. Notice the
Queen with Pistol-like dildos or
Sex pistols aiming for the
Prince. Get the idea? Now go at it! For a bigger view, click
Hey! Following that love calculator trip last week, I figured I try some more tests. Then I remembered The Spark. The Spark, sad to say, HAD lost its spark two years ago.According to my sources it's currently inactive since the owner, Bookstore giant Barnes & Noble closed it down on June of 2004. I feel really bummed out since I've spent a considerable amount of time during seventh grade just testing and re-testing myself on that site. Although I have yet to see how the result of the "Sex test" will pan out.(Im getting close to the predicted age though) I'd much rather believe that The Spark's tests were much more accurate than any other testing site in the web. Anyway, I was able to go to the site a couple of days ago and it was hard to find but I found it anyway. I found "The Spark tests". It was on a secluded part of the site and it took me some time to locate it. Most of the tests were gone though including the aforementioned "Sex test". I was however, able to try a bunch of them once again....
The Love test:

ah.. the love test! The love test is a test on how much you are attached to your significant other. I just recently learned that for the lady I just "Love calculated", Im 22% more in love than the average person! Wow... I never really thought of it that way. So if you're reading this right now
*girl*! Don't you worry about me not loving you! I got a lot of fight in me!
And now on to the gender test:

Those bastards! Well, at least they guessed it properly. The gender test is a fun test that predicts your gender by merely answering a couple of simple questions. It's just based on how an average man or woman would react to certain stimulus in their environments. How you answer will determine your most likely gender.
The Sparktests
"The Love calculator"
I just got a lot of free time in my hands lately and I just shrugged my head and said "Hey, Is Love Calculator still there?". Lo and behold, It still is! I don't know if anybody still remembers but The Love calculator was a site created on November of 1996 by Thijs Kinkhorst and Matthijs Sypkens Smit. (Kinkhorst? ahahahaha..) It is basically a Perl program meant to calculate the chances of a specified person with a supposed counterpart. This is obviously just for novelty's sake and the results are very inconclusive. But nonetheless, I use to spend alot of my time in the gradeschool library just meddling with this f*ckin' program. The thought of a girlfriend wasn't really my concerns back in fifth grade and so I used to tease most of my peers wether they were there or NOT. You know, for some reason I kept getting terrible scores in this site back then. Could've been the Perl program getting pissed at how long my name is to calculate. Or maybe just sheer luck. Either way, The Doc turned out to be such an asshole. So I figured I'd pay him a visit after a long while and check to see what my future holds together with *ahem*.. maybe he got nicer..

Nope...Still an asshole
RVD gets stripped of his title

Rob Szatowski made the biggest mistake of his career a week ago. Last July 2, Rob Szatowski a.k.a Rob Van dam and Terry "Sabu" Brunk encountered a (supposed) regular traffic stop into a P.R. catastrophe. According to reports, During that traffic stop at U.S. Route 52 in Hanging rock, ohio, the police officer smelled marijuana coming from the inside of the two wrestler's car. A search then uncovered numerous controlled drugs some of them include 18 grams of marijuana, 5 Vicodin pills and other "unknown" pills. And due to World wrestling entertainment's Wellness policy, RVD was then stripped of his titles (ECW and WWE heavyweight) and was suspended with no pay for a span of 30 days. Sabu was also fined $1000. So, who f*cked up who? I'll tell you...(raising hands pointing at myself with thumb) Rob!-Van!-Dam! He should've known better not to have done drugs at this point in time. No, I do not use drugs, I dont plan to and I dont condone people who do. But Im not advocating to stop it either. So couldn't it at least wait? I mean he's at the top of the heap making history as the first ever to have held the WWE and the new ECW title at the same time and just like that it's gone. I think he's smart enough to realize that the whole wrestling community has their eyes at him right now and anything he says and does regardless wether it be kayfabe or not is still being closely monitored. So I have to mention how great a job Vince Mcmahon's doing upholding his "Wellness policy". It did put him in a tight spot though, considering the fact that the ECW franchise just lost "Mr. Tuesday night". But in my opinion it would pay off as an example to what might just happen if you get your eye off the ball for just one second.
And why I never watch it
It didn't take another half of the game to finally realize that its no use trying to watch football. Forgive me for saying this and I know Im gonna get a lot of heat from some people but I feel like Im just watching a few people running around for the most part of the game. Dont get me wrong, I think football is an excellent sport. I think their athletes are really good and their skills are exceptional. But I just get bored easy. Take this game for example, I was with a bunch of my friends last night watching the world cup live in a nearby bar. I knew even before the game that I would stay just for the beer. So then I continued to chug down my beer and I just observed the groups of soccer hooligans (My friends not included) wasting away and pissing the night away like they WERE in germany. No argument here. I just figured its in everybody's nature to react really ecstatic whenever some momentus occasion happens and I dont blame them. So not long after, the game finally began. The room was split into two teams and each were roaring to the top of their lungs as if they could be heard in the stadium hundreds and thousands of miles away. But despite this, the constant bickering, shouting and taunting never felt so dull to me. I figured that had I stayed there a little longer, I could've fallen asleep in the midst of the roaring. I felt dizzy and I started to have double-vision. No, I wasn't drunk and Im sorry but NO I was not sick. Im guessing that it was my body telling me that its bored out of ITS mind. I left the bar without a trace and just decided to sleep the rest of the night. I spent 275 pesos in the bar trying to get in and when my brother heard this he got pissed. But it really doesn't matter what he tries to say because I believe that the 275 I spent learning about myself was money well spent. Now at least I know never to try THAT again! Hey! Different strokes for different folks, right? For those who beg to differ, bash away!
Featured music:

The song "Colorful" was performed by The Verve pipe and was used in the 2001 movie "Rockstar". The Movie, featuring Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston is set in the 80's... A time when arena rock was in its heyday. The story is loosely based on the real-life band "Judas priest" in which a top-selling rock group hires a replacement vocalist from one of the tribute bands in honor of them. This song was played by a fictional band called "The Chris Cole band" in the latter parts of the movie and is featured on its soundtrack CD. It is also on The Verve pipe's 2001 album "Underneath"