Friday, December 22, 2006

I've served a total of 12 masses in the past 7 days and I would be sane right now if I hadn't been serving at 4 in the morning! The groginess although not seen in our faces when we serve are pretty prevalent at the back. But I have to say all these blank-staring have led to me to observe some things that really urk me. Through all the day-dreaming I've observed a couple of things people do during communion that I wish they didn't do. For instance, when approaching the lay minister, some people tend to raise their hand to recieve it at the very last second. Leading me and the lay minister to believe that they were going to recieve it straight through the mouth. And this happens very often! The funny thing is just when me and the lay minister change our places to prepare to give the host on the reciever's hand, the recievers almost always open their mouths as if they we're taking the host straight through the mouth instead; And with their hands still out to recieve it also! This leads to a very akward moment between me and the lay minister scramble to decide where to put it. This whole sequence lasts about a second. Surprising how much I've exhausted in typing just for a second-long sequence! And then there are the people who take the host uberly close to the lay minister as if they were eating over the ciborium (the bowl of hosts). This leaves me with no space to plate them! They must think that they should eat it there to save the crumbs from falling to the floor. Although they must be forgetting.. That's what I was there for!! In response to these akward situations, I usually just shake my head in disapproval; not that I have anything against their faith. I just wish they have a little more consideration towards us who plate them. So a little reminder, the next time you fall in line to recieve holy communion be sure to decide wether to recieve it either with your hand or your mouth before you get to the end of the line. And make sure you stick your hand out before you reach the end of the line. That way, there's no akward moments between you the people and us the servers.