Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
You know, we've only been in our second day of graduation practice and it brought about a very interesting question to my head: "When is it ever appropriate to practice for mass?" You see, I've always believed that how we profess our faith is correlated to how much we believe in it. Say for example an atheist; An atheist wouldn't bring up the topic of religion not unless it was brought about by somebody other than himself. A devout religious person on the other hand, who constantly lives his faith, shares his wisdom with everybody. Although the devout never really directly mentions how much he has faith in his god, his faith is reflected towards his behavior when certain events ask for him to call in his beliefs. That is why I find rehearsing for mass pretty pointless.
Another point to raise in the issue of rehearsing mass is the fact that not really all of us actually find it in our hearts to do what we do. It only makes us hypocrites for actually decieving everybody else into thinking how religious we are. This facade is not only misleading, I find it to be desecrating. It's like we're forced to act out what an ideal and perfect catholic is supposed to act like --and I'd like to add emphasis on the key words "Act out".
Now, its not that I have anything against organization. True, we are a bit of a hoard considering we're 200+ in the batch. But to dictate to us how we should profess our faith in mass is just ludicrous. Some of us do make more noise than most of us really should but this isn't born out of faithlessness, but rather of insensitivity. It's already imperative that reverence and silence is kept during mass to keep its solemnity for everybody else and we don't need anyone to tell us that. Whoever it is who's making noise is just being a bastard.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
You know, It's funny; how when we all started out with school we never seem to look forward to its end. During the middle of it all though, we seem to resent being there and wished we graduate as soon as we can. And finally when we reach its end, we seem to never wanna let go of the experience wishing we could relive how it all began. Its the human being's lack of contentment that makes us ponder on the past and what we could've done and how we wish we could still do it.
It wasn't about this that I wrote this post. It's about something else. Whilst all the picture-taking and "Noise-barraging" was happening I though about something else that day. It wasn't how I wanted to stay longer in high-school. Or how graduation would possibly be the last time these extrordinary 200 something people I got to know well in a 13-year period would be together in one room. Instead, it was something that told me alot about the next step in life. Even farther than the reaches of high-school.
I woke up that morning at around 6 --only to fall back asleep and wake up once again at 7! It's funny, cause I wanted to make things right that time since it's the last school day and I didnt want to be late like I always am. The last test we took was a Physical science test. There were only a handful of us in that classroom but the sentiments we're still strong even then. It wasn't that long of a test; it was 60 items. It's also worth noting that I busted my chops trying to understand this lesson that night and that I was so eager to take it before it slipped my mind. I answered it one by one in the simplest of ease. (or so I think..) It didn't take long before I was down to a handful of items. At this point, I started to think about how these are possibly the very last items I'll ever answer for this school. When I got to the very last question I stopped and put my pen down. I looked around trying to take a mental picture and then stared back at my test paper. It wasn't much of a blank stare as it was drifting to space. I paused and thought about my tenure with the school for 13 years and how it was about to be culminated by this very last question. I looked at it, thought about it, and then was dumbfounded by it! The very last question in high school *ever* and I didn't know how to answer it.
With that last "hard-ball" question thrown to me by Sir Ez and Kuya Ritchie, It told me alot about how much I *still* don't know about sh*t. I mean, who would ever believe that with my years in the school, the discipline I've gained and the knowledge I've acquired that I still don't know seismology.. or topography.. or geography.. or whatever the f*ck --ography it was that was item number 60! It left a question mark in my head that *Actually* made me look forward to going to college. I realized that we never were wise enough for this world even as seniors. In a more blatant manner, we still got a lot of sh*t to shovel. Kinda reminds you of philosophy class doesn't it? We're in the deepest end of a well still looking down at a trench that leads to a dark abyss. I know enough to know that I dont know. and all that from a Science test. Science really *can* make you think.
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