To finally answer the question:"You cut your hair?!"

To my amusement, people have a hard time recognizing me lately. That is because after 9 months of growing my hair I have finally decided to throw it out the window. It was actually a spontaneous thing. I'm not really the most spontaneous guy around. In fact, I'm a very well calculated man. So at the turn of the year, I decided to do jump on the idea of doing something different for once.
During the closing of 2007, I promised myself to turn a new leaf and start over. And one way of proving to myself that I was gonna do this was to cut off my hair. If you hang around me a lot, you'd know that I am really anal with my hair. I don't let anybody cut it for me neither do I take any comments for it. "I like my hair so f*ck off, period." that was how I used to think. And so by doing this, I made sure I was gonna be a whole different person.
Another reason for doing so was because the very last time I cut my hair way back in March was for a reason that didn't pan out very well. And so one after the other trouble started to arise. It's almost symbolic that I'm leaving everything behind from the previous year including my hair. I plan to grow it again this year when I feel like it. After all, it IS just hair.. It'll grow back.
The love test

See.. it's love. Read it. happy?

There's nothing in this world like a morning sky. That's why I love waking up in the morning every December just to be able to see that view in the cool crisp air. I wind up getting very philosophical whenever I see it. In simple terms, it just makes me think. Moreover, It calms me down more than anything. It creates such a perfect contrast.. the way the f*cked up sh*t from the previous night mix with new hope from the day ahead. Slowly, hope overpowers regret. It's just beautiful.
This must be what it looks like from my mind's eye

When it all comes down to it, Im really not a technical musician. Sure I know my scales , my modes, my time signatures, my chord progressions and so on.. but the truth is despite all of this acquired knowledge, It's still a difficult task to construct a song that had emotion and feel to it... But not this song. This song was different. The notes appeared vividly and instantly. By the time I had picked up a guitar, it was already complete in my head. I just had to record it as soon as I could. The way I saw it, it captured a feeling of rapture and enchantment. A feeling almost dreamy. The song is like a cross between Michael learns to rock's "25 Minutes" and Johann Pachelbel's "Canon in D major." Sure it's a combination similar to a tuna sandwich and a glass of milk.. certainly an interesting combo. But it works.
Excuse the low fidelity of the recording, this is possibly the state-of-the-art in home recording technology. As for the drums? Well, lets just say whoever it is playing should just stick to playing guitar. This was all recorded in just one day at my friend Jomel Guzman's house. I wanna thank my neighbor and good friend Aaron Brosoto for helping to add those acoustic lines to the song and help add to its character. I hope you guys like it..
**I know things will be different from here on out.. but all the extraordinary moments ought to be immortalized by this song. This'll always be your song, Reese. Much love.