Hey everybody! you can now reach this site by typing http://www.wowiestrapperkeeper.tk. I'd like to believe that "TK" stands for Trapper Keeper but I think it really stands for some country named Tokelau where ever THAT is. Anyway, you can still use the previous URL if you're used to it. This one's way more convenient though!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hey everybody! you can now reach this site by typing http://www.wowiestrapperkeeper.tk. I'd like to believe that "TK" stands for Trapper Keeper but I think it really stands for some country named Tokelau where ever THAT is. Anyway, you can still use the previous URL if you're used to it. This one's way more convenient though!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
At this point I'd just like to give my warmest regards to those who have acknowledged my birthday yesterday.
To the people who greeted me: You guys are awesome. I hope to return the favor on your own days.
To the people who came over: My biggest thanks for coming over and purposely getting drunk for me and my brother's benefit. And as a side note, There's half a keg of beer left if you're ever up for another game of Quasimodo.
To the people who harbor grudges against me: I hope you guys know that I don't hold grudges. We're just different people. The reason why I included you here is simple. If you hate me enough to harbor a grudge, it just means you care. Caring doesn't mean that we're buddies. It just means at least you acknowledge my presence and I can settle for that. I'm gonna be around if you need me.
To the Korean couple that tried to extort money from me yesterday: Nice try guys. Thanks for playing.
To (*ahem*) a certain someone: I know we barely see each other. But just remembering what day it was on your calendar made me smile. Smile A LOT.
I've had close to two decades worth of birthdays in my life and I just have to say that this birthday is none like any other (It's actually more of an understatement). It's not every year this happens:

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I was cleaning my hard drive earlier and I came across a document named "ADRH.TXT." Being a lazy f*cker that I am, I knew I had typed some silly f*cking non-sense that didn't merit a real title but curious as I was, I still decided to give it a read. I didn't know if I bummed this from a previous site or quote book or I subconsciously wrote this one day but I know this sums it up for me (and maybe you too if you're lucky). Here goes:
Do you really love them?
You would go through all these fights and break-ups only to realize that there's no point because you're always gonna get back together. You would spend time together even if both of you are broke. Love isn't about money; love is priceless. Love is something you could never buy. love is when one of you makes a huge mistake, but then in the end you work it all out because you realize that it's just one mistake & it's not worth it, because all you want is for it to be forever.
But then, never say forever.
Because everything has an ending.
Monday, October 06, 2008

Last month I had the perfect opportunity to catch up on something I really wanted to do way back when. I finally found the time to watch the 1939 war epic Gone With The Wind.
Gone With The Wind stars Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in an epic that was set during the break of the civil war in the state of Georgia. The story revolves around Scarlett O'Hara (Leigh) and her struggle to cope with the struggles of regaining her family's wealth and land, the plantation Tara, from the civil war. This, and not to mention his undying but hidden love for Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard), a man in a nearby plantation soon to be married to his cousin Melanie Hamilton (Olivia de Havilland). Along the way she meets Rhett Butler (Gable), a Blockade runner that has garnered a reputation of being rebellious having being kicked out of West Point Academy and further being disowned by his own family. Although repulsed at first, Rhett turns out to be an instrument for Scarlett's ambition to make her way back home to her plantation named Tara. The movie garnered 10 academy awards and made its way into the top 10 of The American Film Institute's Top 100 American films of all time.
Having always been a firm believer of learning from what the past has done and being an aspiring "multimedia artist" myself, I took it upon myself to see the movie to see what the big fuss was all about. Joining me in the marathon was my mother. Who having watched half of the old VHS of the movie, fell asleep during the rest of it. Now she wanted to finish the entire epic this time. Me not wanting to share the same fate however, made sure I had adequate rations of Pork Rinds, Fish crackers and water at hand. I had set my watch at 10:30 and by the time we had finished our movie-going experience the fish crackers and pork rinds had been completely consumed and it was already almost a quarter past 2.
Personally I found the story to be anti-climactic. If you've ever been the victim of my "Pink table" story in where you felt like you've just been cheated out of a few minutes of your life, imagine that but this time think about losing 4 hours. The story in my eyes was never resolved. Although looking at it at a different light, the story strays away from Scarlett's individual prosperity and her sadness of losing Rhett and instead ends with her realizing her "love for Tara." (didn't think I'd use that phrase any time soon) Or it could also be just me trying to make something out of the 4 hours I just lost. The rest of the story on the other hand I've just dismissed to the cultural difference. I realized it really is difficult to understand the beauty of the movie if the Civil war isn't part of your country's heritage. The references to it were all through out like General Lee and the battle of Gettysburg. (Not really relevant to us now, but really just some general information. Couldn't hurt to watch Jeopardy every once in a while to know what the civil war is you know)
Apart from the screenplay, I have to give kudos to the colossal production of the movie. The sets of movies during the golden age of American film had a certain artificial feel to them. I don't find that a bad thing, on the contrary it really puts more emphasis on the performers. But with this movie though, the structure of the set was in search of a better word, "Engrande." Very huge and very detailed. They really didn't disappoint me with how they made it look.
At this point in time, I feel like this movie review has just extended as long as the actual movie has. The bottomline is: Would I recommend watching Gone With The Wind? Definitely. Would I consider watch it again? No.